Chatper 10: Her Lost

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Your POV

I stood behind a pillar, with my cloak keeping me invisible, eavesdropping on what the king and minister were planning. It seemed like the king and minister were quietly waiting for someone at this point. Suddenly the door swung open and in came a man with beautiful long silver angel-like hair. He bowed down to the king and said " My King. It seemed like the outside patrol has lost its battle. My sister, the demon has died in battle. Do you wish for me to send out more troops?! "

" No! Dont send out anymore troops, Enzeru. We need them to surround the kings throne room so that he can be protected. " the minister responded for the king.

" Minister? Shall we use the Royal Weapon to defect this rebellion? " Enzeru asked

" Yes. It is probably the only way to defeat them. " the minister stated.

" Minister, King. Please head to the safe room in the back. I will keep a close watch here. "

As the king and minister got up from their seats, I automatically ran towards them. " Run king. " Enzeru said as he used his sword to stop my attack.

I jumped back expecting him to run along with them but instead he just stood in a fighting stance, pointing his sword towards me. " Who are you?! "

" Same goes for you! " I shouted

" I am Enzeru, the angel protector of the king! " he shouted " You must be the assassins then right? " he questioned.

I nodded and said " I hope this fight turns out well. "

" Of course. " he says as he slightly tilts his head down towards me.

I dart towards him, carefully calculating my attacks.

" Demon Virus " I shouted as I slash my sword at him.

Enzeru jumped up into the air and dodged my attack as pure white angel wings sprouted from his back.

" Wow. This is such an unfair fight. Me having wings while you are just a lonely bug getting ready to be crushed. This fight has come into my hands. "

He flys down and scoops me up getting ready to launch me across the room.

" Stone Stampede " the stones around me all form around Enzeru's wings and is slowly bringing him down, eating away his body.

" What a smart move " he said with a smirk as he put his blade against his wing chopped them off.

" Wow. You are so willing to chop off your gift like that " I said as I shook my head.

Enzeru darted towards me with his sword. I quickly reflected the sword back to him.

" Without your wings its going to be hard beating me "

I jumped up into the air and darted around, purposely confusing the fallen angel. I continuously jump from wall to wall for at least 5 minutes. Then I suddenly pop up in front of his face getting ready to slice his across the chest. I lowered my blade screaming " Dark Fire " a line of dark fire follow the trail of my blade on Enzeru's chest. A trail of blood flew out of his mouth as I attacked him with one last kick in the stomach.

" If only we met some other way, you would be a really good practice partner. " he laughed and he slowly closed his eyes.

I just stared at the still corpse, thinking about what he just said.

I sat down leaning against the wall catching my breath. Suddenly I felt a dramatic rumble coming from the ground. The first person I thought of was... " Gray! " I screamed as I busted through the doors that separated us.

" What was that?! " he shouted

" I dont know but I have a feeling it has something to do with what just happened to us right now. "

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