Chapter 7: The Final Battle

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Your POV

I woke up to the feeling of the morning breeze blowing from my open window. I sat up knowing today was going to be a big day. I off my bed getting a change of clothes ready and lay my sword on my bed.

I got out of the restroom with my black cloak on. I grabbed my sword and secured it to my back. I plop myself down on the couch trying to clear my mind and calm myself down. I heard a door slowly opening and a familiar voice. " Todays the day. Are you ready for this? "

I looked at Gray and nodded " General Yuuiko and her team left the castle this morning. So we dont have to worry about her. "

Gray came over and held a hand out and smiled " Partners for life. "

I smiled with a nod. " I will always be with you. "

" I will be there to support you, too " he said as helped me up.

" Lets go get ice cream " I laughed.

" Are you serious?! "

I leaned in close and whispered into his ear " This might be our first and last date " I slowly moved away and giggled.

I walked towards the door and flung it open " The last time we will ever be here. I will get revenge for you mom " I screamed

I felt a soft push " Hey lets go before we run out of time. "


I ran out the door with Gray laughing behind me, " Hey wait for me. " he said running after me

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

Gray POV

" My god, you spent the whole day doing things that are very out of the ordinary. " Gray complained

(Name) looked at me with very distant eyes, " Well today is the last day we will ever be here. Either this town will be destroyed or I refuse to ever come back or we both die. " she spatted at me

" What...? Die? Never come back? (name) what are you talking about? "

" Do you remember when I told you that you might never be able to returned to your guild? Yea this is what I meant by that. We are most likely going to die, this is why its not called a killing spreed. We are going to get slaughtered ourselves. I got mad at that because I didnt like the thought of getting ourselves killed. " (name) explained

" What? You didnt tell me this... " I said slowly backing away

" You can leave if you dont want to help me. We are going to attack at midnight, come if you change your mind '' (name) said as she disappeared from the streets.

Your POV

Wow. I warned him before and this is how he treats me?! I made the wrong choice falling for him. Everyone is the same they treasure themselves over the ones they love, the only person that has truly loved me was my mother. I feel so stupid falling for him. I guess I am going to battle alone then.

I stood on top of the roof and let out a loud scream. " Arghh "

I went back down to my house to cook myself some dinner.

Mother the day that I have been training for has come... But the one that has been by my side and said that he would support me has left. I doubt he will return... his girlfriend is still back at his guild. He never really denied it, so he is going back to his guild probably on his way right now. Ugh people are always like this.

Suddenly I hear a loud banging noise... This is just like the night my mom was killed...

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