ten: farewell, or is it?

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"Hey, could you please open the door?" A muffled voice echoed through the front door

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"Hey, could you please open the door?" A muffled voice echoed through the front door.

Not long after she had made her entry into her abode following Scaramouche's depart, she took a quick trip to the kitchen to set up two glasses of milk on the stove to heat them up.

Right when she zeroed back to the stairs towards her room, she heard a knock on the door.

She froze on her spot upon the sudden noise and turned around to eye the door in suspicion, her mind running through various errands she had for the day with the assumption regarding the identity of the visitor, concluding that she doesn't expect a parcel nor a guest.

She couldn't consider the possibility of Scaramouche's return as she had just seen him drive off into the distance.

As the seconds went by, she heard another set of knocks followed along a hazy voice. By the manner of his speech, she knew it was someone who sounded friendly yet awfully familiar.

Taking the two steps down to the ground, she unlocked the door then pulled it open and there her gaze fell on the green pair or eyes.

To say she was caught off guard was an understatement as she did not expect him to just drive up to her house despite how he could've effortlessly done it before, to which, he never did, hence she didn't get the slightest hunch of caution towards the subject.

"Heizou?!" She yelled alongside her brows wrinkling in the middle on the process.

He silently stood there as his eyes zeroed at her and before she attempted to push the door close, his foot breached the strike from clasping with the frame.

"Listen to me, all I need to do is talk. Don't you think it's a bit cruel to treat me the same way you'd treat criminals?" He placidly spoke and into the seconds she spent to express distraught, he hung his forearm against the door as he leaned closer towards the open slit where she stood, "I think I deserve an award for not breaking into your house, hmm? Besides, I've applied for my internship with a criminal justice program, can't risk committing something like that if I ought to be a detective."

Eve silently stood there unwilling to speak for a moment to give herself the time to think. Her brows creased further as she looked into the distance. She struggled to settle a decision in a matter of seconds, resulting in her to reluctantly inquire him regarding his behavior, "you left the party early to talk to me? What if I'm not home?"

A brief condescending sneer drew upon his face as it took him merely a moment to answer, "then I'm unlucky."

A sigh heaved out of her mouth before she pulled the door wide open. She took the risk, trusting he wouldn't cause her any harm, and if he wanted to actually talk, she might as well get over with it considering it had been pending for over a month since he started approaching her after disappearing the entire period ever since they had broken apart.

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