Is forgiving a form of relapsing?

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"Hey Stan!" He says, standing in my doorway. I rub the back of my head, I'd just whacked it on my bed frame after throwing my self into my room and falling over.

I shuffle back into the corner of the room, the silence is too loud.

"Please..." I whisper hoarsely.

He starts to walk slowly towards me, I hug my knees to my chest and lower my head so I can't see him. After a few seconds he stops walking and I hear his steady but equally as heavy breathing. The floorboards creak as he bends down to reach my level. I hear a small chuckle and im lifted up by the jacket to his eye level, his face millimetres away from mine, the look in his eyes is something I'd never seen before, he's smiling, but he looks crazed, and angry.

Really angry.

I shake my head and tears form in my eyes, blurring my vision.

"Please." I manage to choke out, grasping at his tight grip on my collar, almost choking me. He shows no sign of putting me down anytime soon. I continue to beg and plead with him, but all he does is stare, dead still.

"Oh my god." He whispers after a while, and lets me go. I drop to my knees and run my throat, gasping for air. I look up at him and he's staring I'm at where my face was moments previously, eyes wide and distant.

"Oh my god." He says again, he looks down at me with a look of pure terror on his face. He kneels down and looks at me, face still in horror. He brushes my face gently with his hand and cups it as tears start to roll down his face.

"I'm so sorry..." He whispers to me, barely audible, starting into my eyes. I sit there, still gasping for breath as he lightly wipes the tears off my face.

I start to shuffle away slowly when I realise how close he is to me. My head catches the corner of my dresser and I wince.

"Stan..." he says softly, moving forward towards me. I move back more. He looks at me and smiles, different to the way he was smiling before, gentler, kinder.

"Listen, I know I'm not everyone's favourite person right now, but please, give me a chance?" He says, looking deeply at me, "We can start over, I'll do anything Stan, I promise you, just..." he pauses, "please don't leave me again." I just stare at him.

"I know I've screwed up, ROYALLY screwed up, but I would never lie to you. I've done a lot of shit in my life, but you're different, you KNOW me Stan, and I like to think I know you." He stares back at me, his newly mismatched eyes boring into mine.

"I swear I'll do things differently this time. I let everything build up until I couldn't keep it in, I broke. I'd been trying so hard to not let you see me broken, but it was just making it worse, I was pushing you away, when you were the thing I needed to fix me. I was stupid, now I know that. You have to at least TRUST me Stan, you know I'd never hurt you." My brain starts to fizz and dots of colours appear in the corner of my vision, this is too much.

I cant think, he's too close to me. I can't breathe, my skin feels prickly and not my own.

I can't think.

I can't think. I can't think. I can't think. I can't think.

"Stan?" A distant voice says, it's Kyle.

"Stan?" He says again, he taps me lightly on the shoulder.

"Don't touch me." I spit out, staring straight ahead, my hands start tapping against the ground and my knees bang together repeatedly.

Me stands up and looks at me for a second, then tilts his head to the side. He jumps back a bit when I stand up suddenly, take off my jacket and hurl it across the room, it's itchy, I don't like it. There's a muffled thud as it smacks against the wall. I start scratching frantically at my arms to the point it leaves harsh red marks.

I walk over to my dresser and start rearranging the various photo frames and trinkets until my I feel my brain slow down bit by bit.

I'm fine.

I think.

"Stan..?" Kyle says again, slightly concerned. I turn around and look at him. Why did he come to me? Of all people?

Why me?

"Why me?" I say.

"Stan, what the fuck was-"

"WHY me?" I spit.

"Why not you?" He shrugs.

"That doesn't answer my question." I don't understand when he talks like that. It's too complicated.

"Well, we've known each other basically since we were born, we know almost everything about each other, i would have thought we trust each other, so I dunno, why not you?" He stands there, looking at me.

I walk over to the light switch and start flicking it on and off.

"Well, you could have warned me before you went and KILLED people." I say, still flicking the lights on and off.

"Stan, what the fuck are you doing." He covers his eyes.

"Next time you decide to torture people, let me know, okay? Then I can move to a different country, i don't wanna get in your way when you decide it's time to stab anyone you look at." He just looks at me.

"What, is that too much to ask?" I drawl.

"No, it's just hard to focus when your turning the light on and off." He grumbles.

"So? Focus harder then." I retorted.

"What the fuck is up with you?" He says, hand on one hip, one eyebrow raised.

"This isn't about me, Kyle." I stare at him, still flickering the light switch.

"Well it's difficult to fucking talk to you when I can't see anything." He snaps.

I move my hand away from the switch and stare at him.

"So..?" He says.

"So what?" I reply.

"Do you think... we could start again with a clean slate?" He asks.

He's murdered innocent people.

He's put me through hell.

I trusted him when I should have been as far away from him as possible.

I shouldn't trust him.


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