It ain't sunny, but we DID meet again.

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The door FINALLY opened to reveal my one and only.

Stan Marsh.

He wore a look of concern, which slowly melted into something which, to be honest, looked kinda weird. It's like how I felt when I heard the jingle of the keys in the lock of my ward room.

The silly goose just stands there staring, god, if he doesn't move it'll kill him.

"Hellooooooo." I muse, waving a bloodied hand in front of his face, he jumps back and cries out, weird.

"K-Kyle.." He stammers, hand moving to mess with his left ear, he always used to do that when he was thinking deeply, but he doesn't look like he's doing ANY of that right now.

"K-Kyle!" I mock, "Noooooo, it's fucking KENNY." I roll my eyes.

Oh shit, I forgot about Kenny

"Oh! Uhm. Don't go down the road that way." I point in no particular direction. "Kenny... uhm..." I pause and cringe a bit, "he's takin a nap."

He stops for a minute, then his face goes even paler than I ever thought it could.

"What the fuck did you do to Kenny." He spits out, looking at me through narrow eyes.

"Woah! Jeez, calm your titties Stan," I hold up my hands defensively, "he'll be fine in the morning! Not like you'd remember it anyway." He's a lot... what's the word? Feisty. Yeah that seems right. He a lot more feisty since I last saw him. Wonder what's up his ass?

He starts to walk out and shove past me, almost knocking me over.

"Woahhh! Fucking hell Stan, what's up with you?" I say, rebalancing my self.

He stops dead still.

Slowly turns around.

Looks me dead in the eye.

I'm about to get a mouthful I'm sure.

Then he looks...


He takes a few steps closer to me and he really looks puzzled.

"Your eyes..?" He murmurs. Taking another small step towards me, I can feel his warm breath against me face. I blink a few times, trying to figure out what's up with my eyes, then I remember.

They're a bit different now, aren't they?

"Hm. Yeah.." I say with a small laugh, pushing his arm gently away from my face. "Before you ask, no. I don't know why they're like that. I asked my doctor countless times, and he never said anything but, "A mere mishap in our process, Nebula.""

"Nebula..?" He asked confusedly.

"Oh yeah, that was the name I was given at the second hospital ." I say. I shudder, that place is NOT somewhere I ever want to think about again.

"Wait, what?" He jerks his head back, surprised. "Second hospital? The news has been all over you, how come it wasn't on there?"

I snort slightly, "It's all about bribery, Marsh. You pay people big bucks, they fall into your hands for free use."

"So, you went to another hospital? When?" He starts playing with his ear again.

"I was only at the loony bin for like a month, to be fair it would have been pretty easy to get out. I mean it was pretty easy to get out of the second one, but still" I shrug

"Why?" He says. Bit of a dull question.

"Why, what? Specify. Expand." I say, raising an eyebrow.

"Why did you go to another hospital?" He mumbled, like he was scared of being heard.

"Fuck knows, but hey! I'm in NEITHER of em now!" I say with a laugh.

He looks at me for a minute, I can practically SEE the cogs turning in his head. Then his face stiffens, as if he's remembered something nasty.

"Why did you do it?" He croaked eventually, fists clenched by his sides.

I look at him, slightly surprised. Then I think about the answer, and the realisation hits me like a bombshell.

I never actually knew why I did it, it was June who chided me on.

Mother fucker.

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