They call it anxiety, I call it Spidey Senses

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Do you ever wake up and your brain just like, tells you shit's gonna go down? You don't know when, where, or who it'll involve, but you just know it'll be popcorn worthy, or holy-shit-imma-bouta-crap-my-pants worthy, depending on the situation.

Do you ever feel ever-so-slightly cool when you're right?

I did for about 5 seconds then I practically almost shit myself.

It was a surprisingly normal day for South Park, and, well, you know that doesn't last long around here.

"Stanley, would you come and help me set up for dinner?" I heard my mom call, the smell of pasta sweeping through the room and she opened the kitchen door.

"Yeah, sure." I drawl, it had been a pretty boring day, and I was therefore wiped.
I went to grab the remote to turn of the TV, when an emergency broadcast flashes onto the screen.

"Hey, mom, come look at this!" I half-heartedly tell, I was gonna turn it off and wait for Cartman to tell me tomorrow, he basically lives in front of the television.

Then I heard what it was.

We interrupt this show to bring you breaking news, in the early hours of this morning, mental asylum patient Kyle Brovflovski broke out of South Park mental asylum. Citizens of South Park are cautioned to not go looking for him, or approach him if you come into contact with him. He is dangerous and unpredictable, with a known record of multiple accounts of murder and torture of the innocent. He has been described to be wearing a white short-sleeved top, white denim shorts and white- what does that say..? Oh yes, white, uh, Doc Martins. Why is there so much detail in what he's wearing..? Anyway. We caution citizens of South Park to stay indoors until the threat is contained. Stay safe. Have a good night.
Why the hell did they put so much detail into what he was wea-

The broadcast ended. My blood ran cold and I felt shivers run down my spine.

And yet, something deep down felt fuzzy.

"Stanley, lock the doors, I'll check the downstairs windows." A voice says behind me, I almost jump out of my skin until I realise it was dad. He tells up to Shelly to make sure all the upstairs windows are locked, and I just stand there, dumbfounded.

I feel a buzz in my pocket, I pull out my phone to see a notification from Kenny, me and the guys pulled together to get him a decent phone last Christmas, and he's been using it to his advantage, because when he isn't in our sight, he's texting us.

1 New Message -
Dude did you see the news????

I open up messages and reply,


Yeah dude
I assume you mean about Kyle

Damn didn't know he had
it in him

Didn't know he would
kill people dude
Look where he is now
Or was anyway

You know where he's gonna
go first right..?


Yours dumbass
Dude you good
Read 6:24 pm

Fuck, he's right.


Thanks Kenny.

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