Is this the first time that you've ever seen Aurora Borealis crush mankind?

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That wasn't supposed to happen.


Oh well! He'll wake up in his bed in the morning, won't he? But for now, I'll just appreciate the way his blood swirls into the snow, fading slowly into a pale white.

It's also given my clothes a bit of colour too, beside the dull white. Well, I say dull, it's so bright it hurts my teeth.

Hey, in my defence, he was in my way, and was also probably trying to get to Stan before me! Also, it's not like he's PERMANENTLY dead, right? I mean, c'mon, I once had to saw him in half to kill a load of zombies, and look where he is now!

Splattered all over the side walk?

Did I not just tell you I didn't need your input?


Anyways, back to the task at hand! Getting to Stan's house to greet him after all these years! I bet he misses me sooooooooo much! I mean, come on! I haven't seen him in 2 years, and I sure am excited to see him again! Imagine all the things we have to catch up on! We're both... 15 now! There's so much to do! I bet there's a load of new video games we can play together, or we could go walking, or Christmas shopping, since it IS that time of year. Or maybe we could do something a bit more.... shocking! Like we could go to that old windmill, find a form of catharsis, or maybe go to the graveyard at dark! It's not a big issue, I used to go to the graveyard a TON, well, once a year when I was young. But it'll be fine! I do it all the time, he would be okay.

Well, then let's get going shall we?

It's beautiful night isn't it? It's quiet, just cold enough to make you notice, but not cold enough to make you shiver.

I start walking again, leaving the bloody mass of my old best friend to sit on the sidewalk, blood still seeping into the snow.

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