Chapter twenty-six

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Present day

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Present day

I held my phone against my ear as I stood by the windows in the living room and waited for her to pick up her phone. "Fucking hell, woman," I groaned as I ran a hand through my hair.

Mattia and Gio had to rip Greta from the box as Nate called in for help to get rid of it. Whoever was truly responsible for this was gruesome. Even to me, this seemed far too heinous.

"I cannot talk right now," I finally heard a voice on the other end.

"Greta, what the fuck was that text about?"

"I got her," she said, making a massive rock fall right off my chest.

My girl.

She had Brielle.

Brielle is alright now.

"We're heading to Paris now but first we need to change a car," she explained.

"Where are you?"

"I don't think I can answer that right now but if you wire some of that money you promised, we might get a new vehicle to make it to the border," I swallowed hard as I took a seat on the couch and felt my eyes start to sting.

"Is she alright?"

"Yes, I can assure you that. And the only reason I even answered this call is because she's in the gas station," I rested my back against the couch and for the first time in what felt like an eternity relaxed.

"What about your father?"

"He's paralysed for now." I didn't know what she had against Carlo but I couldn't lie and say I cared much about it. I knew I could trust her to help me take him down; that was all I desired. Why burden myself with meaningless questions that would get me nowhere? "Although I will advise you with one thing. Free of charge."

"What is it, Greta?"

"Don't trust the ones so close to you. We've come too far to be pushed all the way back by someone who's never had any good intentions."

"I'm already on that. Thank you for everything. I'll take care of the money and you just get her to safety. I'm counting on you," she hummed in response and hung up. I knew it was risky to trust a person my family hasn't had the best history with but when she is the last resort, I can't help but be prepared to face the consequences.

"You alright?" Nate asked as he approached and sat down a few feet away from me. I glanced at him and smiled for the first time since she was taken.

"Brielle's alright," I said quietly. Nate's face dropped before a frown formed.


"She's not with Carlo or William right now and will be safe."


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