Chapter twenty-three

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Some time ago

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Some time ago

I sat in the same spot I did when I woke up in this hotel room. Boredom was quick to catch up go me since Greta left to gather a few supplies and left me completely and utterly alone.

Being aware there were listening devices in the room, I was careful not to speak or make too much noise. If they thought I was sleeping or with my mouth covered, then it would be best. I didn't need them to believe I somehow managed to remove the duct tape from my mouth or get out of the restraints that were starting to actually hurt my wrists.

I was lucky to have Greta looking out for me. Perhaps I didn't know her well personally, but somehow, I managed to find some peace in trusting her. She said she was helping Nicolas and something about her history with Eduardo told me I could believe her.

Maybe I was stupid for such a decision but I had to hang onto any bit of hope I had to survive. It was rich to think that I could be able to outsmart her if she did turn out to be harmful, but I left that thought for later. Carlo and William could come here anytime and bombard me with numerous questions that were nothing but condescending.

I flinched once I heard the door open but calmed immediately after seeing Greta. She flashed me a smile before heading towards one of the dressers with a small device in her hand. I didn't dare speak as I knew we were being listened to but I was carefully observing the room and everything she thought of doing.

Greta placed the small black gadget against one of the drawers and moments later, opened it before taking out a small listening bug. I thought she would smash it or destroy it but I soon remembered her telling me that she would give it all away. Instead, she opened a window and stuck the bug against it from the outside.

Once she moved away from the glass, she turned to me and smiled again. "How are you holding up?"

"Fine," I said, cautious. "Can we-"

"Yes, Brielle, we can speak but in a low tone," she said and moved closer to me before sitting down on the floor in front of me. There was a significant amount of distance separating us but not so much that I couldn't make out a few smaller details on her face.

I noticed a small set of beauty marks on her chin that may resemble some constellation. But immediately after noticing them, I couldn't help but remember the history between her and Nicolas's father.

"How come you got rid of the bug now?"

"I had a friend help me out," she said as she twisted a silver ring on her index finger. "A favour of sorts," she added, making me nod once. "I have a few ideas of escape but it may involve a lot of running."

"I'm up for anything, Greta," I claimed immediately. "Anything that will get me out of here."

"Good, because Nicolas has no idea of your whereabouts nor about me helping you," she said, making me frown.

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