Chapter twenty-two

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"How come she didn't tell you right after she found out?" Gio asked as I sat down on my living room couch before gently caressing my daughter's head

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"How come she didn't tell you right after she found out?" Gio asked as I sat down on my living room couch before gently caressing my daughter's head. She was playing with one of her toy cars while Nathanial, Giovanni, Mattia and Greta sat around us. My mother had left to gather her belongings from the estate while my sister accompanied her.

"You really think that that was the first thing to come to her mind?" I asked. "Help me, of all people?"

"Yeah, Esperanza is smart. She knows exactly what she's doing, but I find it hard to believe she had no clue that Brielle was in her nephew's possession," Mattia said, making me slightly repulsed.

"She is not some item that one can possess, dickhead," I said in Italian before averting my eyes away from him and glancing down at my daughter.

"She couldn't have known. She's better than that, Giovanni. Considering everything that had transpired in her past, she would not have hurt a woman. Not after her own sister, whom she loved dearly, was harmed dearly," Greta mentioned, making me glance up at her. "Esperanza would've wanted to harm Vic, not Brielle. Even if she was linked to you, she didn't just choose to love some mob boss," she said. "Sometimes love just comes out of nowhere," Greta mumbled as she stood up and headed towards the dining room table.

"So, by that logic, she would've been alright in harming Nico but not at the expense of his lover?" Giovanni thought.

"Maybe. I do not know her personally but I'm just trying to build myself a clearer picture of the events. I am not claiming that those were or were not her motives. Unless she actually can attest to that, then we have no way of knowing whether or not she actually had ill intentions."

"I need a new plan," I said, rising to my feet and heading to the kitchen. I grabbed a tumbler and filled it with whiskey before returning to the living room. I refrained from sitting down near my daughter owing to the liquor in my hand and chose to stand close by.

"If Carlo has her in his trap-" Nate began to say.

"What about Greta?" Giovanni spoke, making me almost choke on my beverage. I noticed how the energy shifted in the room around me and everyone began either frowning or thinking Gio was hit in the head fairly recently to have thought of such bullshit.

Since they thought he was referring to Greta, who was in the room with us.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I heard her ask. I let the whiskey burn down my throat as I slid a hand into the pocket of my pants and looked at her.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about," I muttered and downed the drink before my daughter began blabbering something in Italian as she played with her toys. I smiled at the sight yet couldn't help but feel a sharp sting deep within me.

"But I-" I shot Gio a deadly glare before returning my eyes to my daughter.

"If you want this to work, none of us should be keeping secrets," Mattia spoke, making me chuckle.

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