"I don't want to! Go away!"

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(A/N: y'all I literally forgot that the world cup was happening during the time that this story is taking place in... Soo, let's pretend that Argentina won the world cup already, kay? Cool.)

Delilah's POV:

Mapi's house smells like eggs. It's either Pedri's farts or someone is cooking breakfast. I'd rather like to think that it breakfast rather than Pedri's farts. Good luck to who ever marries him in the future!

Any who, Pedri currently came to Mapi's house like at 7:30 am, after Gavi told him that he had a dream that I was cuddling with some guy?

And now he's sleeping somewhere around here. If I was Mapi, I would've kicked him out a long time ago. But since this isn't my house, I can't. Or can i?

Probably not. It's currently 9 o'clock, and slowly everyone is waking up. Although is taking them a long time to wake up, that doesn't stop me from trying.

Here's the thing. I know how much Ingrid hates if someone wakes her up. Alexia enjoys it a bunch, which we all find weird.

If someone ever wakes me up, expect a bruise in your eye!

I decided to leave Ingrid alone, for the sake of my life. Instead I went downstairs to be in peace, while being on the massage chair.

The girls ran to a store that was literally down the road for toothbrushes and toothpaste for all of us. Morning breath is not for me. If you ever have to deal with someone who has bad breath, don't worry.

I'll help you evacuate the building, if your in one.

I didn't know if we were going to order it make breakfast, so I decided just to chill while the girls come back. I heard muffles in the kitchen, and I got scared, so I looked back.

Pheww, it was just Ingrid drink water. Ingrid sleep walks a bunch... and trust me when I found this out I almost had a heart attack.

Not like a litteral heart attack, more like a fearful reaction. And no, no on stood me about this. Unfortunately one day I went over to Alexia's place and I slept over, and i really needed to use the bathroom.

So being the human I am, I went to go use it. But when I went out of the bathroom, Ingrid was standing in front of me with her eyes opened. And apparently she was sleeping.

All thanks to that horror movie we watched before sleeping. I may or may not slapped her across her face, which made her very angry. But hey, at least she woke up!

How did she even go downstairs? I don't even know!

Araujo really wanted to have a BBQ in his backyard, and I'm guessing he invited everyone. And I mean everyone.

So that means me and Pedri have to go. Pedri wants to go only because a birdy told him that supposedly Mikky invited some of her friends, and her friends are very hot, according to Pedri. So now I have to go. Thanks a lot Mikky's friends!

At least I can hangout with Mikky. That's only if her friends are surrounding my brother. And if they're not for one odd reason, then I don't know what to do. I'll probably walk back home.

It's not like it's 30 minutes walking back to my house.

The girls suddenly barged back inside the house. Some we're very soaked, but they deserve it. I spent a whole hour telling them to take a sweater or at least and umbrella. But no.

"Al fin llegan! No vayan a estar toseando al rato solo porque no me escucharon!" I said to them sternly.
("Finally you arrive! Don't be coughing later on just cause you didn't listen to me!")

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