You never know what could happen on the world, Delilah!

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Delilah's POV:

I was just about to finish washing the dishes, when all of a sudden, someone rang the doorbell.

Some people use gloves when they wash dishes, but I don't, so I just dried my hands with a napkin and went to the door.

Now, I'm a very safe girl when it comes to seeing packages or any other shit, so I make sure to look through the peephole to see if there is no armed people, or stuff outside my house.

The front door seemed clear, so I opened the door. The sun's rays hot my face, almost making me go blind. I mean it was already 9 o'clock, so it couldn't be Pedri.

There was a small box with flowers on top of it, with a note attached to the flowers. I looked around to see if there was any people, but there wasn't.

I went running inside and grabbed a pair of scissors, for the box. No way on fucking earth was I going to bring a box, with stuff inside it in my house.

The box remained still on the ground, so it wasn't and animal. I'm a psychopath, or at least that's what Lamine tells me, so I stabbed the package.

I noticed the flowers, and took of the note.

To my very beautiful princess:

Dear princess,
I am very happy to hear that you are part of the FC Barcelona Femení team. It was a pleasure to meet you, and say that you are my girlfriend.

This is a very kind gift that I bought you. Hope you like it!

Your Diego.

______________________________________________ was Diego. What did I expect?

Not even a single tint of blush, or butterflies were alive right now. Nothing. And he called me princess?

I'm not those type of girls who love it when their boyfriend calls them princess or baby, even babe!

You know I'm madly in love when you hear me calling someone that. But at the meantime, those shity nicknames stay out of my mouth.

But if they call me mi vida, cariño, or amor, my knees will go so fucking weak. Plus their Spanish accent, 😩 .

I folded the paper and put in somewhere inside my house. The box was soon ripped by me, when I got impatient of thinking what was inside.

It was one of those necklaces with a persons image on it...

Moment of pause...

I'm not quite sure if I love it or hate it. The gift itself is quirky, but I don't think I'm going to wear the necklace with a imagine of a person on it.

Ok, now let's stop hating. The only part I did like was the box. That's all. The flowers are roses, which in my opinion, stink. And also it's the most used flower. Plus, it's not even my favorite.

I grabbed the box, and took it inside because now I know who's it was. I placed it near the garbage can, so I can take it to a thrift shop later on.

Okay, okay, I know it's wrong of me doing this but, really? It's a good thing that he cares about me, but I feel like I don't enjoy them. You get me? It's like I don't like him or I don't find him attractive anymore? It's hard to explain.

Anyways, I walked back to the sink and continued to finish washing the dishes.

Just I finished, I received a call on my phone. It was Jonatan calling me.

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