Think of a better excuse next time, sweetheart.

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Gavi's POV:

When we entered the house, I saw the person I didn't want to see. I knew she was coming, but I didn't plan how to make excuses to get away from her.

Of course she was the first one that came up to me.

" Hola pablito.No esperaba verte aquí. ¿Que estoy diciendo? ¡Estás aquí casi todos los días!", Her annoying high pitched voice said.

("Hi pablito. I didn't expect to see you here. What am I saying? You're here almost every day!")

" Hola Ana." , Me and Pedri said with an annoyed voice. Jeez, how can Sira be friends with her?

"Y ella quien es?", Ana asked.
("Who is she?")

" Ella es mi hermana.", Pedri responded.
("She is my sister.")

"Oh. Pense que era la novia de uno de los dos. Pero mi pablito no tiene novia."
("Oh. I thought she was on you guy's girlfriend. But my pablito doesn't have a girlfriend.")

I heard Pedri and Delilah whispering to each other. I looked at Pedri who seemed annoyed with the person that was here.

Delilah went up to her room, but that didn't matter to me.

I walked towards the couch where I sat comfortably for a while, until this bitch had to come and sit next to me. I knew for a fact no one likes her. I could see it in everyone's faces.

Everyone is either glaring at her, or talking about her, and believe it or not, I'm one of them.

Frenkie and Mikky are whispering to each other about her, Kounde and dembelé are glaring at her, Lewandoski is just sitting there like an old grandpa he is, and the others are practically ignoring her.

Ferran can't really do anything because she's basically "next" to him, and I don't think Sira would appreciate him talking bad about her friend.

We started talking about random stuff. No one noticed, but I saw Delilah run out of her room, down the stairs, and towards the backyard door.

Why was she still in her wet clothes?

A couple of minutes passed by, and she entered with Rosie. They went straight to Delilah's room, completely ignoring the guests.

She returned a little while later with Rosie next to her.

"Oh there is the mini Gonzalez. Where have you been?", Lewa said.

" I've been upstairs with my friend Rosie."

" Nice too meet you Rosie."

" Nice to meet you too sir.", She said. I chuckled at the "sir". I should've been grandpa. Nah I'm just playing, lewa is not that old.

" Very respectful I see."

" Delilah why are you wet?", Frenkie asked. Oh boy here we go.

" Gavi got her wet.", Pedri opened his mouth.

Everyone stared at her.

" He got you wet?"

" With water. Not  with anything else.", She said just to clarify.

" We weren't thinking of anything else.", Kounde said. I now for a fact some of where thinking something else, including me.

"Anyways,no you guys want food?" Pedri said trying to change the awkward subject.

" Sure." We all said.

"Lilah, can you prepare us some drinks?"

" Okay I guess.", She answered. She took Rosie with her to the kitchen and they both started to make drinks.

Born To Love You | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now