Chapter 7: Tavern.. Again?

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The week went on, and the two had been spending all day everyday with each other. Needless to say, but they both enjoyed each others company. They had meals together, Wriothesley helped Neuvillette with his work, they went on walks and went out for tea, and so on. And they had obviously had some intimate and awkward moments.. but ultimately just blew it off. And of course, the memory brought back to Wriothesley lingered in the back of his brain practically 24/7, but he ignored it. He still didn't know if it was just a crazy dream or if it was real.. but as of latley, he couldn't help but hope that it was real. Unfortunately for the both of them, their week together was coming to the end, as it was the last day.. but, they were going to make the most of it, Wriothesley would make sure of it.


"Wriothesley, it's 8:00. Get out of bed." Yelled Neuvillette from downstairs.

"Noo.. Just give me a bit longer.." The Duke mumbled. 

"We can't keep doing this.. it happens every morning." Spoke Neuvillette.

"It's the weekend.." Wriothesley said, mumbling again. "You don't have work today.. so let me sleep Neuvi!" He shouted, covering his face with a pillow. But suddenly, the blanket was yanked off him and he found him self being pulled out of bed

"You've got to be kidding me- NEUVI!!" Yelled the tired Duke as he was being yanked out of bed.

"You're going to get up and get dressed. Breakfast is waiting." Neuvillette said, trying his best to hold in his laugh. He left Wriothesley to get dressed and went back downstairs. Eventually.. Wriothesley headed downstairs to eat.

"Took you a while.. But hey, you're walking down the stairs perfectly now. Looks like it was just a bad sprain." Said Neuvillette. He was happy to see Wriothesley was almost fully healed.. But deep down he wished that maybe his injury was a little worse so they had more time together. He knew it was greedy, but he was sad knowing that when he went back to work, the days would be spend without the help of someone he cared about.

"Yeah, my leg's doing a lot better. Thank you" He said as he made his way to the table, and started to eat. And although he was glad his leg had healed along with his wounds, he too wished that their time together didn't come to an end. He probably even could've gone back to work a day or two ago, as his leg was practically fully healed. But he wanted to stay. He didn't want to go back to everyday alone in the fortress.

"Well, since today's our last day together, I thought we could do something nice." said Neuvillette with a smile. Wriothesley on the other hand didn't return the smile, but rather a sort of solemn look. Neuvillette could tell that the feeling was mutual. He wanted to make the most of their last day together. 

"Right.." Wriothesley sighed. He didn't want Neuvillette to be able to tell that he was upset about the situation, but obviously the way he was acting made it obvious.

"I was thinking.. I'm not sure if this kind of think would peak your intrest, but I quite enjoy it. What do you say we try water tasting?" Said Neuvillette. He felt a bit embarrassed asking him, but he thought maybe it would be fun.

"Water.. tasting? You mean like wine tasting- but with water?" He said with a confused look on his face. "Is there really a distinct taste to different types of water?" Said Wriothesley curiously

"Precisely, Me personally, my favorite would have to be.." And Neuvillette rambled on. For about 10 minutes, straight.

"Ah.. okay then? Water tasting sounds good, you seem to really enjoy it." Said Wriothesley. He was a bit confused with the whole topic, but decided to comply as he wanted Neuvillette to be happy. His feelings did grow for him after the whole week after all. Friendly feelings. Right? What was he thinking? They were friendly feelings! He cared for him as a friend, that was all.

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