Chapter 6: A day at the Palais Mermonia

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It was early in the morning when Wriothesley heard the clanging of pots and the sound of sizzling coming from the kitchen. Was Neuvillette already up? The Duke got dressed and slowly half-walked (limped) his way down the stairs.

"Morning, Neuvi" He said with a smile as he made his way into the kitchen. He assumed that Neuvillette didn't remember anything from that night, and now that Wriothesley knew, he was going to be much sweeter with Neuvillette, in a less formal and more friendly tone. Of couse, he didn't know if he planned on telling him.. and anyways, it could've been just a dream.. right? I mean, he had always had a little thing for Neuvillette and his dark blue eyes, long hair and fit figure. But he still wanted to act casual around him, just incase what he remembered that night was just something he wished were to happen..

"Ah, good morning Wriothesley." Said Neuvillette. "I thought I told you to ask for my help when walking down the stairs.." He said with a sigh. "But you seem to be healing well. Here, have some breakfast." The Iudex said before carefully placing down a plate of a simple basic breakfast of bacon and eggs.

"Thanks. Why don't you sit next to me and eat something too..?" Said Wriothesley, curiously. Now that he was thinking about it, he couldn't recall ever actually seeing the Iudex eat other than their dinner last night. 

"Thank you, but I woke up a couple of hours ago and I've already had a sufficient meal." Neuvillette said as he handed the Duke a cup of morning tea. He was an early riser, the type who didn't like waking up late, even on weekends. It messes up his routine.

"What?! A couple? But it's only 7:30.. How early do you wake up?" Said Wriothesley, clearly surprised. How early did this guy wake up?

"I wake up at 5:00 every morning. I enjoy waking up early, and if I don't, it messes up my routine." He said, clueless as to why Wriothesley was confused. 5:00 in the morning wasn't that early, was it? He just assumed most people woke up at that time, and with the amount of work he had, he had no other option but to wake up early.

Wriothesley didn't say anything, he just looked at Neuvillette with a raised eyebrow. His work schedule had to be packed if he had to wake up that early.. but then again, Wriothesley does sleep in the same place he works, so he doesn't need to wake up as early..

"Well, enjoy. I'll be leaving for work now, then." Neuvillette said as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Wait!" Exclaimed Wriothesley. "C'mon, you cant just leave me all alone again! If I'm going to be healing for a week, you can't just leave me here with nothing to do! And besides, my leg has been getting better, and I can walk pretty well now!" Wriothesley said. He couldn't bear another day of pure boredom. Yes, it was only one day, but there were 6 more to come if he was going to need to heal for a whole week. 

"Well.. I suppose you could come with me" Neuvillette said, taking what Wriothesley said into consideration. It must've been pretty lonely just sitting here with nothing to do all day.. The minute he said that, the Duke's eyes lit up. "Don't get your hopes up now." The Iudex said with a smile. "You still can't walk properly, you'll need some sort of crutches.." He said, thinking of something he had that would help Wriothesley. His eyes lit up as he remembered he had an old boot and crutches in a closet stuffed with old storage, and he walked over to grab them without another word.

"Hey- where are you going?" Wriothesley said confused, as he watched the Iudex walk over to an old closet. Neuvillette proceeded to pull out an old boot and crutches he had back a while ago when he had injured his leg. He then walked over to Wriothesley, holding them up to him. 

"Here. Since we're the same height, these should do just fine. Let's just see if the boot will fit you.." Said Neuvillette as he walked over to him. He carefully unwrapped the boot and slid it onto Wriothesley's leg, going slowly as he didn't want to hurt him.

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