Chapter 5: Bandages

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The two had finished dinner, and Neuvillette helped the very tired Wriothesley up the stairs. For someone who had done nothing all day, he sure was sleepy. 

"Alright.. I'm going to get ready for bed, and hopefully by then Sigewinne will be here to check up on you" Said Neuvillette. Sigewinne should have been there by now, but she was probably just running late. Neuvillette went to change into his nightrobe, which was a long, elegant one with fur along the edges. He let his hair down and completed his basic nighttime hygiene, when he realized how it was getting very late, and ultimately just  presumed that Sigewinne had forgotted about the check-up.

"Wriothesley, Sigewinne isn't here yet and it's getting late.. I believe she had forgotten about your check up." said Neuvilette as he walked into Wriothesley's room. But Wriothesley was focused on something else. Neuvillette had never seen him in something so elegant like, and his hair when it was down was.. he couldn't stop staring.

"Is.. everthing okay?" Said Neuvillette, confused.

"Oh- uh.. Yes everything is fine. I just.. I've never seen you with your hair down." Said Wriothesley, a bit embarrassed he was caught staring.

"Ah. Right" Said Neuvillette. He didn't really think it was particularly weird, it was true. His hair is really only ever down when he does to sleep.

"Well, about Sigewinne- I suppose thats fine. She'll probably just come by tommorow." said Wriothesley, now in a chill tone, simply blowing it off. Neuvillette on the other hand..

"No Wriothesley, the bandages are covering your open wounds. If they are not changed daily, you could develop an infection. I'll have to do it myself." Said Neuvillette, firmly. He didn't think anything of it for some reason, but it just didn't come to mind that it was.. a little suggestive. He just thought of it as basic human needs.

"W-What?" Wriothesley stuttered. Did he just hear him right? He'll "Do it himself"? He didn't think that the bandages were that big of a deal.. "Neuvi.. I don't think that's nessecar-" But before he could finish, Neuvillette had already sat down next to him and started taking off his shirt. Again, Neuvillette surprisingly didn't think anything of it

"Hey wait, let me do it-" Wriothesley muttered, his face going a bit red.

"Don't worry, I've got it. Just relax and let me change your bandages." He said as he took off his shirt. To his surprise, his eyes were met with many scars all along the Duke's body, especially on his back. He didn't say anything of course, he didn't want to make him uncomfortable (as if he wasn't already uncomfortable), so he kept quiet as he places his hands on his chest. At this point, Wriothesley's face was growing more red by the second.

"Don't worry, no need to be embarrased." Neuvillette said in a soothing tone, in attempt to calm down Wriothesley. His hands was on his chest, checking his heartbeat and the other basic things he assumed Sigewinne would do. But as he was about to change the bandages, he heard something drop behind them.

"Oh! Uh.." Said a quiet voice at the entrance at the room. It was Sigewinne. She had dropped her medical kit, and was staring right at them. Clearly, she was thinking about what Wriothesley was.

"Um.. Sorry if I'm interrupting something, your grace.." Sigewinne said, her face going a bit red with a mix of surprise and embarrassment. "I was just here for.. your check-up? Sorry I'm late.."

"Ah. No worries at all. I thought I would do it myself as I didn't want Wriothesley to develop any kind of infection, and it was getting late, but you're here. Well then, I'll leave you to it." Neuvillette said with a smile, as he got up and walked out of the room. Still, completely oblivious as to what the other two were thinking about..

"So.. your grace, how are you feeling?" Sigewinne said with a smile on her face, as she started to unwrap the old bandages.

"Ah.. well my joints are still a bit achy.. but the wounds aren't too bad. Just be careful around them, it still hurts to touch.." Muttered Wriothesley. 

"Right! Of course your grace." She said as she continued to fix him up. "So.. was Mr. Neuvillette.. just changing your bandages?" She said with a little smile. She knew how Wriothesley and Neuvillette used to spend a lot of time together before the prophecy transpired, and she always noticed how happy he was during those days.

"What do you mean? Of course! There was nothing weird about it!" He said, completely denying it and going a bit flustered.

"Right.. Okay then!" She said with a little smile, trying not to let out a small laugh. She finished up with the checkup and wished Wriothesley and Neuvillette a good night, and went on her way.

Wriothesley thought he should wish Neuvillette a good night, so he limped his way to his bedroom. He knocked on the door and was allowed in, but the minute he saw the room, his eyes widened with surprise.

"Wriothesley? Is everything alright?" Neuvillette said with a raised eyebrow, concerned by the look on the Duke's face. It was silent for a bit before Wriothesley said something.

"Y-Yeah" He said with a stutter, trying to calm the surprised look he had on his face. "Everything's alright, I just wanted to say goodnight." 

"Ah, right. Well then, goodnight, your grace." He said softly, with a sweet smile. Wriothesley remembered how much warmth his smile always gave him, there was just something so sweet about it that made him melt every time, as it did now.

"Right. Goodnight Neuvillette. Sleep well." Said Wriothesley, returning the smile.

Wriothesley walked out of the room, the expression of utter shock returning to his face as he walked back to his room. The night when they went to the tavern together.. The minute he saw that bedroom again, he remembered exactly what they had done when they left, and why he recognized Neuvilette's house.

Holy shit.

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