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“Oh it was so good, Taehyung” Jungkook amused.

“I'm positive. I totally loved today. Thanks to you” Jungkook chuckled. 

Suddenly Jungkook's mobile rang, making them pay attention to the mobile. 

‘Beomgyu’ it said. He pressed the receive button with a smile and put the mobile on speaker.

Taehyung mouthed ‘who’ and Jungkook just showed the mobile screen.

“Kookkkk!” Came Beomgyu's voice from the other side. 

“Yes, Beomgyu?” Jungkook chuckled. 

“How did your cute little date go? Did you propose to him? What was his reaction?” Beomgyu bombarded Kook with questions. 

“Well, yes, I proposed to your brother and he did too! We both confessed our feelings for each other and spent a wonderful time at the amusement park. We're now at Burger King for our dinner. We'll be home in an hour” Jungkook explained. 

“Okay. Can I talk to him?” Beomgyu inquired. 
“Hey, strawberry muffin. What's up?” Taehyung asked, earning a whine from the other side.
“Taehyung, can't you be a little nice to your little brother?” Beongyu whined, making the other two laugh. 

“Alright little brother. What's the matter?” Taehyung asked. 
“Nothing. I just came to the park to meet Soobin. He said it's something really important. So I wanted to inform you just in case” Beomgyu explained.

“You went there alone? Just be safe and better turn on your location. I don't really trust that Soobin guy” Taehyung frowned. 

“What's wrong with Soobin? He's a good guy!” Beomgyu defended. 
“No, Beomgyu. I also feel something off about him. Just be careful. Better to be careful instead of going through shits again” This time Jungkook spoke. 

“Alright, brother-in-law, I'll be careful.” Beomgyu said, making both Taehyung and Jungkook blush. 

“OH, he's here. I'll call you guys later. Reach home safe. Bye” Beomgyu said and cut the call. 


“Mamma, we're home!” Taehyung shouted, making his way to the kitchen with his boyfriend by his side. 

“Where's Gyu?” Taehyung asked. 
“He went to see his friend. I thought he informed you?” His mom asked, frowning. 
“Oh yes, he did. But it's been an hour and he's not back home yet?” Taehyung frowned.
“He must be having fun with his friend Taehyung. Don't worry, he'll be fine” His mom assured him. 

“Oh, Jungkook, can you do me a little favour and get him out of here? He's going to go insane if not, thinking about his brother being in trouble” His mom requested. 
“Sure, mom. Come Taehyungie. Let's go. We'll call him in 15 minutes if he's not back by then, alright?” Jungkook convinced Taehyung and took him to his room. 


“Is it not 15 minutes yet? He's still not home. I'll call him wait.” Taehyug frowned and called his number only to find out that his mobile was switched off. 

“It's switched off. Jungkook, something is wrong. I told him to not go alone anywhere. Now fuck me.” Taehyung groaned, getting panicked. 

“We'll go to the park and see if he's there?” Jungkook suggested. 
“Yeah, come on,” Taehyung said, grabbing his car keys. 

They hopped into the car and drove towards their destination, the park. 

When they got there, the park was literally empty. There were only a few people scattered here and there. Well, who will come to the park after 7? 

They called Beomgyu's name but got nothing in return. Suddenly, Soobin came running to them from the other side. 

“Hyung, Beomgyu is missing. I searched for him everywhere. But he's nowhere to be found.” Soobin cried. 

Taehyung grabbed him by the collar in anger. “What the fuck do you mean by he's missing? Wasn't he with you?” Taehyung growled while Jungkook rubbed his arm in a comforting manner. 

“He was! I just went to attend an important call. When I returned, he was not there.” Soobin shivered. 

Taehyung left his collar and turned to Jungkook. “What now? He's gone missing again! What do we do now Jungkook?” Taehyung cried, tears brimming his eyes. 

“Hyung, baby, calm down. He'd be fine. We're gonna find him, okay? Just don't lose hope. We'll think of something” Jungkook comforted the crying Taehyung. 

“I hope it has nothing to do with Jimin. If it's him, I'm never going to forgive him ever again” Taehyung sniffed. 

“I hope so, too, baby,” Jungkook sighed. 

Suddenly Taehyung's mobile rang. He saw the caller's ID. It was an unknown number. It frightened him. 

He looked at Jungkook. Jungkook grabbed the mobile, attended the call, and placed it on his ear. 

“Who's it?” Jungkook spoke, earning a low chuckle. 

“Well, if it isn't for the popular Taehyung's protective boyfriend.” Came from the other end and Jungkook immediately identified who that voice belonged to. 

“Yoongi hyung?” Jungkook asked, making Taehyung look at him with shock.

“Well, you're right. It's Yoongi here!” Yoongi spoke. 

“What do you want Hyung? This isn't your number?” Jungkook frowned. 

“Well. This is not necessarily my mobile. It's someone who's really close with Taehyung. But poor him, he got his mobile stolen by you.” Yoongi tsked. 

“Jimin?” Jungkook frowned. 
“OH yes. You're smarter than I thought, Jungkookie!” Yoongi amused fakely.

“Hyung, if you're behind the disappearance of Beomgyu, I swear to God I won't even see you as my hyung anymore” Jungkook growled. 

“Aww. Stop acting like you care about him, Jungkookie. We both know how much you hated him” Yoongi sympathised. 

“It was before. I was just manipulated by Jimin. I'm very sane now to understand your disgusting drama” Jungkook growled. 

“OH jungkook. If you really want your brother-in-law back, I order you to come to xxx at 9am tomorrow morning. Don't worry. He'll be safe till then. But if you try something smart, I'll make sure to make him see heaven. And oh, bring that stupid jackass Tae with you” Yoongi said and declined the call. 

Jungkook slowly brought the mobile down and looked at Taehyung. 
He doesn't know how to tell Taehyung about this. Because Taehyung really looked upto Yoongi. He doesn't know why Yoongi is acting this way. It's new for him. Yoongi and Jimin, both really would be ready to get Tae whatever he wanted. Now they are against Taehyung and planning to hurt Taehyung is something none of them imagined. 

“What is it, Kookie? Is it Yoongi hyung? What did he say? Is he with Jimin? What happened to Beomgyu? Does this has something to do with them? Tell me Jungkook. Please, I'm losing my brain” Taehyung cried.

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