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"I can't believe it already Monday and I can't even spend my weekend with my brother because of his stupid Satan of new friends" Taehyung whined, rolling his eyes.

"Stop whining, Taehyung. I was just at home-" Beomgyu justified. "-with your new friends" Taehyung cut him off in the middle.

"Were actually sorry. Gyu said he was free, that's why we came to your house" Taehyun said in an concerning way.

Taehyung sighed. "It's just, I wanted to take him to the park but I can't because he was with you guys" he said pointing the four others. "And also, only I get to call him 'Gyu' and no one else" Taehyung said again making the rest of them chuckle at his childishness.

They were all whaving their breakfast at Mrs.kims as they had a sleepover last night, excluding Taehyung, who was sulking all day because he can't be with his brother.

"Stop it, Taebear. He made new friends. Aren't you happy for that?" Mrs.Kim asked. "I am happy for that but still..." Taehyung pouted, earning a chuckle from Beomgyu while the others laughed.

"Never in my life have I thought that I'd see the one and only Kim Taehyung pouting" Kai said, fanboying over him, who started sulking again.

"I hate you all" Taehyung said and pouted more.
"Taehyung, don't be like that" Mrs.Kim said sternly.

"But mamma...I just wanted to spend my time with my family. But..." Taehyung said, whining. But he stopped whn he saw Beomgyu tearing up.

Taehyung gasped and went towards Beomgyu. "What happened? Did I do something wrong? Im so sorry. I won't talk like that again, okay? Don't cry." Taehyung said, almost panicking.

Beomgyu shook his head and looked at Taehyung.  "I'm your family?" Beomgyu asked, tears falling from his eyes. Taehyung’s eyes soften at the sight. He sighed and hugged Beomgyu, caressing his back with one hand while his other hand plays with his brother's hair.

"You are my brother so obviously you are my family, too, Gyu" Taehyung softly whispered after Beomgyu calmed down. He pulled away from the hug and kissed Beomgyu's forehead, making the smaller boy giggle.

The others just watched them with a smile on their face. Mrs.Kim looked at her eldest son proudly, thinking that she indeed raised Taehyung well.


"Just do as I'll say. Everything will be fine. Just becom friends with him and then earn his trust, first. Then we'll set him up for something he didn't do and obviously it'll create a bad impression on Taehyung's mind" Jimin said to Jungkook who silently nodded his head, not sure about whether he should trust Jimin or not.

But when he saw Taehyung and Beomgyu coming together to school along with four other guys Jungkook just though 'fuck it. Whatever it costs. Imma do this. I don't want him near my Taehyungi hyungie anymore'

"Hey, ChimChim.  Hey, Kookie" Taehyung greeted them with a hug when he saw them. 5hey both smiled back and soon they went to their respective classes when the bell rang.


"Ahhh, shitttt" Taehyung snapped, out of the blue while talking with Beomgyu.

"Pleaseeeee, Tae. Pleaseeeeee" Beomgyu requested him.

"No, Gyu. I have a really important assignment and also, today I have to stay back to help the coach for our upcoming football match. I can't come to park with you" Taehyung sternly said causing the younger male to pout.

"But you said you want to spend time with me" Beomgyu pouted.

"Sorry, Gyu. I'll take you to the park next time, okay?" Taehyung pleaded.

Brotherly brother(Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now