9. confessions

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Elizabeth's pov:

Since the date with Harry we had a few more, we told nobody that we were girlfriend-boyfriend though. It was usually very simple, at the black lake or the library, he had also convinced me to confess to Dumbledore. It was as if my soul wasn't broken anymore, and I finally had some peace. We would send eachother letters, and in class we acted as if we didn't like eachother.

So here I was going to Dumbledore confessing all of my secrets. "Come on in miss Riddle" he said, how the f*ck did he know that I was here. "So you've agreed with my deal" he said while looking quite pleased with himself. "I can just walk away" I snarled "oh but I know you won't" he continued smiling "you seek the magic in youself stronger than anybody could ever master. I get it I was young once to, seeking for magic that not many were brave enough to handle. But before we can start I need answers miss Riddle."

 I gave in and decided to tell him; "I was just an accident, Bellatrix was expecting 2 boys, not 2 boys and a girl. Voldemort decided not to kill me off yet, I was supposed to grow up and become a loyal servant to my father. Unlike my brothers I would not get any luxuries, and go to a private school where I could learn magic. I would have to learn it all myself and that was why Lucius was stuck with me. He clearly did not like it, because every day a tutor would come and teach me. I would get scolded because I was also dyslectic. The only part that Lucius did himself were the dark spells, probaly so that he could torture me when I did something wrong. Narcissa was nice to me, but it was very lonely and depressing sometimes. It was apperently preparing me for the world because I was a girl." 

"And you don't want to be a loyal servant to lord Voldemort. I suppose?" Dumbledore insisted "obviously not" I responded "besides why should I be less then my brother when I'm ten times greater." I continued. "Now I'm going to ask you something that you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but is your birth registered by the ministry of magic." Dumbledore asked. "No obviously not" I replied, "we would all have been sentenced to azkaban, just for existing." Dumbledore nodded, "that would explain why you were able to do such advanced forms of magic " he continued. "But now it's my time to help you." "Finally" I thought by myself. 

Looking back I had told some secrets that I were forbidden to tell, and set maybe more than a few steps out of line. But who cared, and what Lucius didn't know shouldn't bother him right? Besides it's not like my father would just wake up one day, dead is dead. Or at least so I thought, and there was nothing stopping me from having a good time at Hogwarts.


Tom's pov:

Smirking I walked down the halls of malfoy mannor, my sister liked to think that she had the upper hand, but oh how wrong she was. As if I didn't already know of the thing between her and Potter, she knew herself it was dangerous to even talk to that Potter boy, but she still did it. I could sense that she was happier even though she tried to hide it. There were other ways to be happy though, like planning a murder :). Right now I was going to go to Lucius and tell him what Emma was up to, then he would get her back home while I handled off the Potter boy. Forever. She wouldn't mind anyway, when she was home again she would forget about that stupid boy and Mattheo and I would find another way to make her happy.

 "Come in" a rather sleek voice said, I immediately knew that it was Lucius, I had always disliked him and his mind tricks. A normal person would see it as niceness, but I saw trough it and knew that it was just manipulation. I tried to avoid him as much as possible, but with situations like this it was better. I knew he could handle my sister. "You know that you aren't supposed to be at home outside of the vacations" the voice continued. "I know" I responded, "but there's something that I wanted to tell you." "We figured" a second voice hissed, I couldn't place it, but it sounded weirdly familiar. Almost like my own voice, but quite twisted. I wondered if it could be my father, but then I quikly pushed the tought away because it couldn't possibly be right. 

"What is it that you wanted to say my son" the second voice wisphered in a taunting tone, the word 'my son' send shivers down my spine. While the chair that the second figure sat in was still faced towards the fire, I knew it was my father. 

"Well I wanted to tell you something about Elizabeth" I said, "Ah yes" he sighed "although I might already be aware of this little 'situation'." Unsure of what to say next I just kept quiet. I knew the reputation of my father, and I knew what he could do to her. I wasn't afraid of Lucius, but I had to admit I was a little scared of the monster that was sitting in the chair facing towards the fire. 

"Well what is it what you wanted to say my son" my father continued breaking the akward moment of silence. I decided to say what happened and how I would handle it. "ElizabethisdatingHarryPotter" I blurted out. "What" my father asked in a rather taunting tone, I quikly grabbed myself together and repeated what I had tried to say: "Elizabeth is dating Harry Potter." "I'm aware of the situation" my father replied, "well I suppose we send her back home now, and I get rid of the Potter boy" I stated. My father sighed, "I'm afraid that that isn't possible right now" he continued. "why?!" I insisted, "Well, this is since I'm not on full powers and because she will spy for me. She may not know it yet but no movement of her will go unnoticed" he finished wearing an evil grin. Just then the chair turned around and I saw the most terrifying creature that was supposed to resemble my father.


Elizabeth's pov:

Mattheo and I were sitting in the great hall, Tom was missing like ussual. Probaly smoking or something like that. Then we heard a BANG!, and another BANG! Suddenly I wasn't sitting on a bench in the great hall anymore, but Tom and I were stuffed in a way to thight broom closet. He looked furious, I wondered what I had done now, but it was probaly my relation with Harry. As if Tom could read my mind he shouted: "YouandHarryaretogether. Stop it now." He couldn't know right, how the f*ck did he know? "If you don't leave him I will kill him and his stupid friends" he continued now in a calmer but still venomous tone. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND" he screamed once again. "Yes Tom I understand" I reassured him "but just leave me and my love life alone." He nodded his head calmly, but said: "you know I won't sissy". Stepping out we noticed some students walking towards us so we disapparated to not get caught. 

Once I was back in my dorm I flopped down on the bed crying, just when I thought that my love life was looking like something everything had to be ruined by Tom. I needed to talk to Harry, I had to break up with him, it would break his heart but he would be safe. I knew Tom wasn't bluffing when he said he would kill Harry and I would do anything to keep him safe.


A/N: This took me like way to long to complete, but life has been sooo busy recently. First I had the biggest writing block, then I was tangled up in school drama, got a boyfriend and went on vacay, but anyway. here's your chapter 🥳 

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