3. The sorting ceremony

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Elizabeth's pov:

Back in the train I'd said that I was adopted but that was everything from true, did I feel guilty about lying though? The simpel answer is no but the real answer is that people often judge someone by their name especially when you are a Riddle.

Little time skip:

 When I walked out of the train after Harry I felt someone grab me by my arm, oh god it was Theo *sigh*  "don't tell we you were talking with Potter" he said "our enemy remember?" I pulled myself away and spat: "don't make such a fuss, I'm old enough to make my own decisions"  "well then act like it!" he spat back.


Harry's pov: 

"Firs'years here firs' years come with me" a man screamed, I looked up to see Hagrid: he smiled down at me. When all of the first years were standing arounfd Hagrid he said: "follow me" We walked for a while until we stopped by a lake with boats, "four in a boat" Hagrid said while climbing in the first boat.                                                                                                                                                 


Elizabeth's pov:

I sat in a boat with: Harry, Ron, Tom and me, Theo sat in a boat with Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.      It took a while for the boats to cross the lake but we had a great view of the castle that was apperently hogwarts, it was beautiful to look at in the dark sky. 

When we got out of the boats we were led into a hall where we would wait for another teacher, that's when malfoy stepped forward and said: "you don't want to make friends with the wrong sort potter, I can help you with that." I laughed: 'oh Malfoy don't make a fool of yourself and just shut your mouth already no one cares" "Thanks for defending us" Ron and Harry said to which I replied: "I didn't do it for you weaselboy, but Malfoy just needs someone to shut his big ugly mouth."

Eventually we were lead into the great hall where all sorts of students sat at 4 different tables: Slytherin, Griffindor, Huffelpuf and Ravenclaw and in front there was a table for the teachers.        We walked trough the hall up to the front, there was a little stool with a hat on top. The teacher that had led us into the great hall walked up to the stool and picked up the hat and a piece of parchment. "I hope you're in gryffindor with me" Harry said, I just nodded hoping I would be too.

"let the sorting ceremony begin" she said, after that she started calling our names one by one: "Susan Bones: Huffelpuf, Tom Riddle: Slytherin, Hermione Granger: Griffindor Mattheo Riddle: Slytherin" everything was fine untill she called my name. When I sat down on the little stool she placed the hat on my head.     

 "Another Riddle' the sorting hat said 'You're diffirent from the others though a bit stubborn, daring, very cunning for sure and I also sense that your hungry to prove yourself, but where to put you. Hmh I think that I've decided, cause after all the blood of he himself runs through your veins. You have some very powerfull ancestors, and now hwere to put you eh? but first an advice: lies won't come good for you young lady make sure to have true friends"  I frowned and was a bit confused, but I didn't have time to think before the sorting hat yelled: "Slytherin". While I walked dissapointed towards the Slytherin table Ron shot me a glare and Hermione and Harry looked rather dissapointed. I honestly wish I would have been in gryffindor, just to prove that I was different and not evil like my father. "I knew that you would get Slytherin" Tom said "yeah you're a Riddle it couldn't be another house" Mattheo added. I knew what my brothers said was right, but deep inside I still felt guitly that I had betrayed my friends. 

After the sorting ceremony and the feast I ran up to Harry and Ron to ask them why they ignored me "you're a Slytherin we're supposed to be enemies" Ron said "so" I replied, our conversation was cut short though because a Slytherin prefect came our way and pulled me back to the Slytherin common room while saying: "rule number 1 don't ever talk to Griffindors."


A/N: Did you like this chapter or should I make it less specific let me know in the comments what should happen next. 

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