7. potions

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Harry's pov:

My friends haven't spoken to me since I admitted that I liked Elizabeth, they think that I'm crazy and maybe I am. I went by every teacher asking to put us together in their seating plan, except Snape, he may be head of her house but I'm not taking any risks. And besides when shes my girlfriend, I will prove that she is amazing and I can change her. And then my friends will accept her and we can be friends again.


Elizabeth's pov:

Yesterday the last thing that Dumbledore said that he could help me with this weird magic, but I needed to tell the truth. I was furious, how did that old hag know what it was, I wasn't even sure if it existed untill he confirmed. And besides I can handle everything myself, especially my magic and my anger!

I wasn't in my best mood, but when professor Binns announced that we were getting a seating plan, I was furious. It wouldn't have mattered if I would have been seated with one of the slytherins or one of my friends, but obviously I was seated next to f*cking Potter. "Hermione and Ron, and then lastly in the front row in the middle: Harry and Elizabeth." I tried to argue to the professor but that stupid ghost said that it would stay like this for the whole year. I could f*cking murder him now, oh wait he's a ghost so I can't: very dissapointing. Oh and have I said anything about managing my anger issues, well just forget about that. Okay?

During the lesson Harry tried to start a conversation a few times, but I just ignored him because I was still mad. I bet it was a stupid trick of Potter, obviously he persuaded the teachers to put us together. "Hello Elizabeth.. hello?" Harry tried for the thousand time today, I decided to answer him. "What do you want Potter" I huffed, "well you're missing a big piece of information, and if you continue acting like this, you may get detention" he continued. As if I cared, but I decided to start paying attention though because that annoying ghost had already shot me a few glares. And I honestly didn't want to make my reputation worse in the first few weeks.

The next few classes went on like this, and to everyone's surprise but mine, I was seatted next to Harry. After Herbology was finished we went to our last class; potions. I sat down next to Mattheo and Tom, they had been teasing me for the whole day now. "Well how is it sitting next to the boy who lived" Mattheo asked laughing, "I think he likes me" I groaned in annoyance. Tom's face turned six shades of purple, "the potter boy likes you" he exclaimed. "Yes" I sighed, our conversation was interuppted when Snape walked in though. "You may not be surprised, but you're getting a seating plan" he announced. My brothers smirked while I huffed in annoyance. "Already so fed up miss Riddle" he sneered, "well then lets start with you:  Table one, Elizabeth Riddle, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter." He got to  be kidding right, but no he was not. Like how could those three sit together, but I couldn't even sit with one other slytherin student.

Once everyone was seated Snape started the lesson. Tom and Theo were seated in the back with all of the other Slytherins, something about having favourites. I was the only Slytherin who wasn't in the back with the rest, I huffed in annoyance, but I mean I should make the best of this lesson so I decided to talk to Hermione. I honestly didn't know if we were good after last week's 'accident' , but she seemed a bit bothered, Ron also shot me a glare . "Turn to page 8" Snape continued, "there you will find an basic mixture, that you'll need in 90% percent of other potions. I expect all of you to be able to finish this in the lesson well most of you." he said as he looked at Harry and Ron. "But sir" I asked "this takes 90 minutes to make and we only have sixty left." "If your not finished, or if your potion is not perfect you can stay after the lesson" Snape just plainy answered. 

When I was young Lucius had taught me some potions and I'd also discovered a sort of mixture of ingredients that could make potions speed up. I went looking for the potions in the closed room when Snape walked in and asked "what the hell are you doing in my private storage miss Riddle." "Oh just grabbing ingredients" I replied, "well then you're in the wrong room" he continued. He thought that he was smart by giving the Slytherins a half prepared potion and leaving us with nothing, but I quikly gathered the ingredients so I could start. 

The mixture could speed up any potion up to 90%, It just depended on in which quantity you used it. A part of me was thinking to help Harry, even though the potion was to difficult to complete, most of the students already had some experience and a backup potion. That was because most students, even first years knew Snape's reputation. Harry however was not prepared, and his so-called friends didn't even help. "Do you want to work together" I asked, that second that sentence left my mouth I already regretted it, but I couldn't take it back.


Harry's pov: 

Did she just ask to work together? yes she did but before I could agree Hermione said: "no obviously he doesn't and you can't work together. And if you're to stupid to figure it out yourself, you definetely shouldn't ask Harry." "Well Hermione" she replied "I'm almost done, and I didn't ask you, I asked Harry." "So" she continued "do you want to work together?" obviously I nodded my head so she and a furious Hermione  traded places.

Elizabeth showed me a bottle with a light blue potion in it, it was a sort of speed-up potion that you could add to make your potion finish faster. I decided to throw half of the bottle in, just to see what would happen "no" she screamed "that is way to much." she quikly restored it with just a wave from her hands. The liquid streamed back into the bottle untill only five drops were left. Hermione stared at Elizabeth as if she had commited a murder. "how did you do that?" Hermione asked, but Elizabeth shrugged it off while saying "just practising." "and besides" Hermione continued "what even is that stuff? It can't be legal, I bet professor Snape will notice." "He won't" Elizabeth said, "and besides it it the only way to not get detention at this point. So I suppose you continue working before your potion burns."  She had made a point because the blue substance had completely dissapeared by now, and my potion was finished. "Can you please add a bit of that mixture to their potion, their my friends and don't want them to have detention" I wisphered to " fine" she sighed while adding a bit to their potion. 

As we handed in our potions I decided to ask Elizabeth out for a walk, and surprisingly she agreed for a walk around the black lake at 8 o'clock


A/N: and here'sss another chapter for you, thank you for reading. Vote and comment if you would like to. Also have a great week

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