4. Disastrous charms

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A/N: sorry for not updating for a long time, I was on a vacation and a bit busy. And anyways thanks for reading this far because the first parts are a bit boring but it'll get better overtime.


Elizabeth pov:

When I was back in the common room, I noticed a flyer there were multiple rooms on it. "Oh amazing I'm with Theo and Tom" I thought sarcasticly as I walked towards my room, but atleast we had our own bathroom just like all the Slytherin rooms had. After a while I finally found our room Theo and Tom had already chosen their beds, luckily I had the one near the window. So when I laid down I immediately fell asleep, not even bothering making a start on my new diary. I woke up what felt like one minute later because someone was pushing me, it was Mattheo of course, like what did I even expect.


Tom pov:

When we came back from breakfast Emma (that's how Elizabeth her brothers and friends call her because y'all have nickmames for eachother)  still wasn't awake,  well that was untill Theo pushed her of the bed. "Ugh" she groaned, "I'm coming just a few more minutes" "no" I said, "the first lesson starts in 10 minutes and you still have to pack and change!" She used a few spells to change and pack and we were just on time; we had Charms.


Elizabeth pov: 

When I walked in there were 2 proffesors: one small and the other one a bit surly-looking, at who was she even looking?   oh wait..... she was looking at me, why was she looking at me?! I ignored the surly-looking proffesor and listened to the other proffesor. "Welcome class, welcome class! I am proffesor Flitwick, I will be teaching charms  and this is my colleague Proffesor Mcgonnagall." "But enough of that" proffesor Flitwick continued, "today we will be learning our first spell: Wingardium Leviosa!"

After proffesor Flitwick explained some more (imagine the scene in the film) we could get to  practising the spell, but it didn't quite work the way that I wanted... It was way to easy anyway.


Proff Mcgonnagall pov: 

We were almost about to start class when three students walked in: two boys and one girl, they were the Riddles. The girl looked at me with a frown I returned the frown, and after that she sat down and started listening to proffesor Flitwick, he explained a charm and helped some students on their way. I still remebered the words of the sorting at yesterday, was she any like her father I wonderde. The Riddlde girl was talking to a girl out my house, it was Hermione Granger. Their conversation went a bit like this: "That is not how to do it Elizabeth" "well I don't care Hermione!" I ignored their conversation untill the Riddle girl, which name was Elizabeth threw her wand at the wall and levitated Hermione onto the roof, furiously I walked towards them shouting at the Riddle girl.


Mattheo pov: 

"What the hell do you think you're doing" proffesor Mcgonnagall shrieked "this stupid piece of plastic doesn't work" my sister shouted back, I couldn't help but smirk "and by the way she (Hermione) deserved it" my sister continued. "You are lucky that this is not my class Riddle otherwise you would have a month's worth of detention" she screamed at my sister (Elizabeth).   Emma didn't really seem to care, but she clearly flinched at the name Riddle. Trying to ease the tension proffesor Flitwick sepparated Mcgonnagall and my sister.                            ___________________________________________________________________ 

A/N: This part wasn't the most clear so sometimes I added brackets to clearify who a person was talking about so not who said it ! And anyways thanks for reading vote and comment if you like to!                                                                 _____________________________________________________________

Elizabeth pov: 

When the bell rang class was over and we headed to transfiguration, oh shit the surly-looking Mcgonnagall gave this class. There only was a bit of a problem, well I wouldn't call it a problem but the proffesor wasn't there, there only was a stupid, ugly cat. I decided to poke the cat, just to see what would happen.... let's just say that that wasn't my best decision ever. That was because the cat jumped of the table and sudenly proffesor Mcgonnagall stood before me, oops... "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" she said, on wich I sarcasticly replied: "I am veryyy soryyy." "Miss..." proffessor Mcgonnagal continued. "it is miss Riddle proffesor, but you don't have to call me miss" I cleverly said, Mcgonnagall looked furious, and I couldn't help but smirk on her response.


proff Mcgonnagall pov: 

Because I was an animagus, I sat on the desk transfigured as a cat to surprise my new students.  Everything went fine untill the Riddle girl walked up to me and decided to poke me, I jumped off the table and scolded her, on wich she responded turning me into a bottle of water.                            I didn't know how she did it, because it was really advanced magic, one thing that I knew though that she was in in big trouble. 


Elizabeth pov:

I didn't know how I did it, but when proffesor Mcgonnagall turned herself back she was furious at me. "To my office now" she shouted, I wondered why she didn't give detention, but I figured it would be something worse. "Class dismissed" she sighed oh and Riddle please tell the proffesor of your next class that you might be a bit late, after that return to my office please." Oh screw it I tought as I walked to Herbology.                                                                                                          _____________________________________________________  

A/N: I am very, very sorry for not updating for to long but I'll try to write another chapter today or tommorow. And anyways vote and comment if you like to or have any ideas for me!  

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