11. Tears Pt.2

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Tom's pov:

After I'd confronted Emma, I thought everything would be better, I didn't intend for this to happen. It was an accident that my father discovered their relationship, but I thought that that wouldn't be a problem unless Emma continued dating Potter. What I also didn't intend was for Emma to get really sad, she hadn't left her bed in like 2 whole days. The evening when she first laid down, I changed her into a new set of pyjamas, and I gave her a little bit of food while she was asleep. After that we left for the library, while Theo said goodbye to our sister. 

There would be no problem if Emma didn't know that I had snitched her relationship to our father, and she would just get over it. I knew I had screamed at her to breakup with that Potter boy, but sooner or later she would realise that it was for the better and forgive me. All would be well, unless Emma discovered the truth.

"How could you do something like this to me" she screamed while I came walking in. "How could you betray me like that." I was schocked that she knew, but I didn't react to her tantrum, not a flinter of guilt in my cold grey eyes. "Why do you always have to be so cruel" she continued tears streaming down her face. I tried to wipe them away, but she just pushed my hand away screaming: "I hate you and I wish I would never have to see your face again." Finally I left, looking back with a glint of sadness in my eyes.

In one day everything had become so fucked up, and my relationship with my sister was ruined. All my plans were ruined, and I could forget controlling her. For the first time in my life I felt soemthing else than pain or anger. I felt love, embarrassment and maybe and eenie weenie tiny little bit of regret. I couldn't handle it all at once, so I decided to go to the library to read something about it. "Books can't give you advice like a real person could" some people say, but in these cases books can be very usefull. Books don't talk, books don't judge, and books don't react, and that was exactly what I needed right now.

I had always felt different from my sister and brother, while they laughed and played outside, I just sat inside with a cup of black coffee enjoying the prescence of a good book. Don't ask me why, but I'd always liked the bitter taste of coffee. I laughed with them, but most of my smiles were not real, if they asked me to do something I usually would, but I was way more serious than them. While they just let life go loose by being childish, I was the mature one. It was for the better, although I could never have such an intimate relationship with my sister as Mattheo did. Sometimes  wish I did, but then I remembered that it was better to have no feelings at all.

When I checked up on her once more, I saw that she was asleep, so I decided to go to sleep as well. Quietly I changed into a comfy pair of pyjamas and went to bed, I couldn't believe how everything went so wrong in just over a day. This time I knew she wouldn't forgive me, what I had done was just too bad. I would do everything that laid in my power to win her trust back, but I wasn't sure if it would be enough. 

At 6 o'clock in the morning I snook out to get some breakfast made for her at the kitchen, I couldn't be seen, because that would be disastrous. I just had to get back before she woke up, but looking at her current state that wouldn't be any soon. I would have breakfast after and then go to class, I had already packed my bags so I wouldn't have to be there for long. 

Since I'd persuaded some 4th year huffelpuffs into telling me where the kitchens were, I used to sneak out. Just to get some coffee and talk to the house elves, they were really nice, and funny. They also had something that just made you relaxed, I suppose it was their behaviour and niceness. Honestly I didn't get why people treated their house elves so badly, because they were literally the meaning of world peace or something.

Just like now, I tickled the pear in the painting that was hanging across the hufflepuff common, and the painting opened up. Like the students had said the kitchens were indeed right below the great hall, only a three floor difference. When I walked in once again I was faced with a bunch of house elves, and a cup of coffee already made. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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