11. Hang over

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Pond's pov:

I lock my front door, taking out my phone. Zero messages from Joong. He didn't text me or call me. He must still be at Dunk's place. I open my car door and get in, starting the motor and driving towards Dunk's place. Once i manage to park my car, i go up to the receptionist and ask for his apartment number. I get inside the elevator and push number 5. I walk down the hall and see a familiar yet strange figure leaning against the wall beside Dunk's door busy on his phone.

I walk up to them and stand in front of them.
"Hello?" I say. I leaned forward to see their face better, but they still ignored me. I moved my head even closer. Now we have a few centimeters in between us. They finally look up, and we both are shocked. It's Phuwin. From our shock, we both completely forgot about our distance. When i realized i quickly walked back and leaned against the other wall. I take a quick look at the time, 7:06. We both made eye contact in silence as he took off his airpods. Until he broke it.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I dropped Joong off here yesterday, and he never returned, so i thought he must still be here." I could barely get those words out of my mouth seeing how good Phuwin looked today.
"Oh, well, Dunk didn't answer to my text or calls, so i decided to come check it out myself." He said. Seems like we both have the same mission.

"So shall we?" He asked. I nodded. Phuwin knocked on the door and rang the doorbell a few times until someone opened the door. Tired Dunk was standing there looking so confused.
"Hey Phuwin, why are you here?"
"Well, we have school in an hour, don't we?" Dunk instantly woke up from those words.
"Hey, is Joong here by any chance?" I said, trying not to interrupt their conversations. Dunk seemed surprised to see me.
"Yeah... wait, why are you guys here together?" Phuwin was quick to answer that.
"We met each other in the hall just a few minutes ago." Dunk slowly nodded along.

"Y'all can come in." He said, leading us inside. I walked inside behind Phuwin, and we took off our shoes and entered. Phuwin sat down on the couch. He must've been here a lot. Dunk came into the living room with different clothes on.
"Your friends in the bedroom, i couldn't get him. You go try." He said. I walked down the hall seeing Joong half dead sleeping on the bed. I walk to his side and look at him a little.
"Bro, wake up, we need to go to school." I said. Joong only grouned at that. I sigh and pull his hand towards me, trying to get him up. Now, he seems even more upset. After a few minutes of struggle, i finally got him up. I looked around a little and took a white shirt with a little design from Dunk's closet, hoping that he wouldn't mind. I successfully got Joong ready for school, looking half decent. I took a look at my phone, 7:32. Not bad.

We walked into the living room seeing Dunk drink water and Phuwin on his phone, texting someone. Joong sat down on the couch, looking half dead. Now Phuwin raised his head and took a look at the two, obviously hang-over people.
"Cheeze, how much did y'all drink yesterday?" Phuwin asked.
"How could you tell we were drunk yesterday?" Joong asked, holding his head with his hand. Phuwin sighed.
"I got multiple prank calls and texts from you guys, y'all kept me up all night."
"Sorry!" Dunk says, leaning his head on Phuwin's shoulder.
"Hey Phuwin, can you get me a painkiller for the headache, please!" Dunk asked. Phuwin stood up and started making his way towards the kitchen.
"Please get me one, too!" Joong added. Soon, Phuwin was back from the kitchen with two painkillers and two glasses of water. He placed one of each in front of Dunk and Joong. They took the tablets and seemed two times happier.

We all were in my car. Me in the driver's seat, Phuwin next to me in the passenger seat and Joong and Dunk behind us. I turned on the car and started driving to school. After about 10 minutes, we arrived. I parked the car and we all started walking to English where we had to present our projects. We all took our seats. Phuwin took out his phone and kept on texting someone. Joong and Dunk were talking and laughing like they've been friends for years, weird. And i just sat there looking into nothing and thinking. Once in a while, i could see Phuwin smiling like crazy at his phone. Who's he talking to?

The teacher entered the classroom, kicking me out of my thoughts. We all went quiet.
"Hello class, today is the day you will be presenting your holiday projects." She said.
"I'm going to pick random people. Let's start with Ice's team." She added. Now, a girl and a boy from our class stood up and connected their laptop to the projector and started their presentation. After a long and boring 7 minutes, they finished. And so on for a few more groups until my heart stopped.
"Pond's team, please." She said. Me and Phuwin made quick eye contact and started walking up to the front of the class. He connected his laptop. We both got into places on both of the screens sides.

"Hello, I am Phuwin, and that's Pond. And we made a presentation about the Lantern Festival and Christmas." Phuwin said in English with a smile on his face. I started talking about the Lantern Festival.
"The Lantern Festival is a holiday that started in Taiwan to celebrate Lunar New Year. In the past, people lit lanters and sent them flying to signal safety after the Bandit attacks.
And now it's used to make wishes." I said with a Thai accent. The teacher wrote down some stuff and then nodded.
"Christmas is a holiday that celebrities the birth of Jesus Christ, on the 24th or 25th of December. It's considered a Christian holiday, but people with different religions still celebrate it. A lot of countries have different traditions, like: in Ireland some people take a cold Swim in the morning of Christmas, in England people eat Christmas pudding that has a golden coin hidden inside and who finds it will be rich. Christmas is most known for eating good food with your family members and then opening presents." Phuwin said with a British accent. The teacher seemed to nod in agreement. We did the summary and stated the similarities and differences. The teacher nodded and smiled.
"I liked this presentation. Good job! Both of you."
Me and Phuwin smiled and returned to our seats. Dunk whispered something to Phuwin, and he smiled even more. Now Phuwin turned to me and gave me a smile. I smiled back. I'd like to say that we did pretty well.
"Dunk's team, please!" She said.

Hold me as tight as possible {JoongDunk & PondPhuwin}Where stories live. Discover now