Chapter 16

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"You again!?!" Said a deep rough voice. Lenry flinched knowing who it belonged to. He turn to see Mr. Moon behind him with a disgusted expression.

Lenry: "U-um... Hello..."

Mr. Moon: "What is a brat like you doing here? This place is for high classed toons....!"

Lenry: "U-uh... I... I-I just..."

But suddenly someone grasp Lenry by the waist and press him on their chest. Lenry looks up to see Bendy hugging him and growling at Mr. Moon.

Bendy: "I'd like you to say that again.... Moon boss...!"

Lenry couldn't believe what he was hearing. The toon who has a second mouth on his left eye was the moon boss himself.

Lenry: "M-moon boss...!?"

Mr. Moon: "I didn't know that weakling belong to you..."

Bendy: "Lenry isn't a weakling Mr. Moon....!"

Mr. Moon: "I beg to differ... last time I saw him at the park he was crying like a baby."

Lenry puts his head down in shame. He felt like once again crying.

Bendy: "I gonna make you eat those words you jerk."

Mr. Moon: "I'd like to see you try."

"P-please stop...!" Says Lenry as he comes in between the two famous mobs. He then looks at Mr. Moon.

Lenry: "Listen. I'm sorry that I bumped into you at the park, and I was disgusting to you but...."

He the starts to tear up.

Lenry: "Please don't start a fight here. I'm sorry if I ruined your mood when I came here...!"

He then grabs Bendy's arm.

Lenry: "Can we please leave Mr. Bendy...."

Bendy didn't wanted to but seeing his doll all shivered and frightened. So he sighed and nodded. 

Bendy: "Alright, let's leave."

Mr. Moon was surprised seeing Lenry taming the ink boss.

Mr. Moon: (This toon.... I need to check up on him.)

What he didn't know was that Bendy was secretly watching the moon boss and saw him staring at his precious. He growls at this before leaving.

Later, Lenry and Bendy were alone in a private room.

Lenry: "T-thank you for saving me..."

Bendy: "No worries doll. I didn't like the way he was talking to you." (Most of all I didn't like it how he was staring at you!)

Lenry: ".... I'm sorry..."

Bendy: "For what doll?"

Lenry: "I was too weak to stand up for myself... and I also became a bother to you..."

Bendy: "Alright, now you listen here doll!"

Lenry flinched when Bendy yelled, the ink demon then grab him by the face and makes him stare at his eyes.

Bendy: "Never say you are useless. You are a very special toon with a big heart. I never ever what you to say these again. Promise me that."

Lenry: "I... I..."

Bendy: "Promise. Me. That."

Lenry: ".... I promise you.... Mr. Bendy."

Bendy: "That's what I wanted to hear."

Then he does the most shocking thing. He kissed Lenry on the lip. The young toon was surprised by the ink demon's actions and wanted to pull away from the kiss. But it was so good that he decided to kiss back. Lenry's mind was becoming hazy and was melted by the kiss. Bendy was about to continue even further when suddenly Dasher yells out Lenry's name.

Mafia Bendy (Batim x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now