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It was a busy day at the human world. A young man at the age of twenty-one was strolling down the streets with his book and ink pen. He was on his way back home from the studio when suddenly he heard screaming. Slowly went to investigate what was going on... in a small alleyway a small group of thugs were a poor toon.
That's right, in the human world it's just not humans but toons that can some to life. Some good, some bad, some funny... the man saw the poor toon getting beaten by the thugs, the toon was a small owl begging for mercy and wanting to go back to his home called the Toon Town, but the thugs didn't care and continued beating it. Not wanting to see this anymore, the man yells at the thugs for being cruel. The thugs stopped attacking and looked at the man, they yelled at the man saying why was he siding with the toons who are nothing but freaks. The man said that he works at the studio where he draws toons also, he also believed that the toon they were beating was a good creations and also told them that they idiots. The toon owl in the other hand managed to escape while the thugs got distracted and inside a black portal. The thugs were not only furious, but they also lost their punching bag. Angered by this, the gang leader orders the thug to get the man and beat him up. The man then starts to run for his life, he could feel that the thugs were still behind him. As he continued running. Suddenly the man got hit something on his head and fell harshly on the ground making him drop his book and pen, the thugs reached up to him and started beating him up. When they finished, they left him all lifeless.
The man didn't care if his life was over, all he cared was that he was happy that he helped someone. As a child, he was an orphan with no family, he was very shy and rarely talks, he loved seeing people smiling. So he decided to become an animator and drawing cartoons, though his drawings were all simple, he was happy to see everyone smiling at the studio, then one day he fell in love with a girl at a small restaurant who was a waitress and started dating her. The two of them became lovers, the man even asked for her hand in marriage to which the girl accept, he thought he was going to be happy and start a new family. However the happiness immediately was gone, the man was going to the restaurant to check on his fiancée, to his horror he saw her at the alleyway laying on the ground and was covered in blood. His fiancée was dead.... And from then on, the man was silent and was focusing more on his work. Some of his coworkers tried to cheer him up but he didn't even bothered to speak to them or even look at them. The man closes his eyes and started to lose his conscious, he didn't know two powerful silhouette toons saw this. "He saved an innocent toon and got beaten by those filthy humans. And here I thought all humans were equal." Said the male toon with red horns.
"You shouldn't say such things. We toons are also like this as well." Said the female toon who has wings and a cross necklace around her.
Male toon: "So what now? This human is at it's last breath. Taking him to the hospital will be too late."
Female toon: "Hm.... Then why not we make him one of us."
Male toon: "Excuse me!? Are you okay at the moment? Cause I think you should really see a doctor! That too a heavenly one!"
Female toon: "Come now, didn't you saw those other studios in what they did?"
Male toon: "That was those foolish humans believing that they could be immortal by bathing in ink and becoming one of us. Jeez, they were so stupid that in the end it killed them. That's why toons like us get beaten by those humans."
Female toon: "Because they were killed by ink?"
Male toon: "No, because they were killed by jealousy and idiocy."
Female toon: "Now, now... we mustn't talk bad about this kind human's race. And I was thinking why not we use our powers to save him from not getting killed by the ink."
Male toon: "What?! Are you serious? Do really think that it's gonna work?"
Female toon: "It will work if you believe."
Male toon thought for a moment before looking at the human whose laying on the ground. He then sighed in defeat.
Male toon: "Fine.... Let's help this human."
The two toons carried the human to an abandoned studio where no one goes. It was filled with old dusty desks and chairs, broken windows, leaking pipes, some plants growing, and a few paper and inks. The male toon draws a pentagram on the ground while the female toon recited some prayers and whispered something to the human.
Male toon: "Everything is ready in my side."
The female toon nodes and places the man gently on top of the pentagram. The male toon then poured a huge lump of ink on the man's body making him black in color. They then used their magic powers to create a new life on the human.

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