Still editing but enjoy

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"Are you seriously just going to stay there and not do anything?" What were you supposed to do if not?

Of course she had unbuttoned her shirt.

And the key opens the treasure chest.

So if you checked the chest maybe you'd find the key and not viceversa?

What the flip was wrong with you.

You shrugged. "If I can't stand up, I can't precisely do much searching."

"You're insufferable."

Rude. But true, you were just getting the worse out of her to see if she gave up.

Well, she didn't move an inch, so that left you no other choice.

"If I kiss you, will you let me go?"

"Do you think the key is in my mouth or something?" She chuckled. "No key, no leaving, but if you really wanted to, no one's stopping you."

Bewildered was not even close to what you were feeling. What? She was actually for real.

"At least give me a clue."

She sighed as getting rid of one more button.

Okay, it was clear. Check the 'treasure' chest.

"Is there really no other way out?" You inquired one last time.

Exasperated, she shook her head once more. "You're killing the mood."

That was the whole point, but, oh well. Reaching out, you took hold of her shirt, while her hands were busy tracing down your upper body, taking hold of the thighs that were still resting on top of hers.

Think fast, act fast, and you did. To act, you need time, and to get time, you had to buy it by distracting her with your rapidly approaching lips, which prompted her to close her eyes soon enough.

Then there was step two, when you spotted a suspicious necklace, which its pendant hid behind her undershirt. Again, quickly, you had already figured out what it was, and as, unlike her, you didn't have your eyes closed, and you managed to take it off.

"Cool, I won, what now?" Suddenly, you pulled back just in time, admiring the key holding from your fingers.

But, she smiled, why was she smiling? "Does that really look like a door-opener key to you?"

She was right, it was really small. "No, it does not seem like one." You clicked your tongue. "Cool scape room."

It wasn't healthy that you disliked seeing each other's smile, as when she saw yours, hers disappeared. "Just, leave, forcing you to this isn't going to do me any good." She pushed back her chair as making you get off her lap.


... What?

"Then... Why were you doing all of this?"

She shrugged as buttoning up her shirt. "I was hoping you'd run away, so I wouldn't feel bad not being able to help you in all the drug dealing case. You didn't help at all."

So there was never an actual scape.

Since you entered that business you knew you were doomed, so why did you think she would honestly help you scape?

"There was no key, I forgot I kept my swimming pool locker key in a necklace, I was planning to go later this day."

Don't get this wrong, Vanessa had the hugest crush on you, and she was a stalker, but she thought a friendship had grown between the two of you, and she didn't want to ruin it with the Luis business.

Self-sabotaging was something that felt appealing to her for some reason, she thought that if she forced you to do certain things in order to obtain an impossible plan, you'd just run away, and then blame yourself for not having taken the decision.

But there you were, going nuts over a police officer trying to take advantage of you, while your all time best friend was headed to jail and there was nothing you could do about it.


Ouch indeed.

But in only hurt because, if things hadn't ended like that, you would've thought Vanessa was a psycho that just wanted to do you.

But she turned out to be cruel, she tried to make you feel guilty of something you could do nothing about.

And to think you're still dreaming of kissing her.

You didn't say a word, and tried to walk out the door. Right, it was locked.

She realized and took the chance to talk once more. "If you hate me forever, I get that. Sorry I can't do anything about your friend, but I can get you off the hook, just don't get into anything like that again?"

"Helping me out would've been telling me that from the beginning. But I can see clearly you don't want to help me at all." You turned to her, as much as you really didn't want to. "Move your beautiful eyes away, I don't want to see them."

You didn't have to say it twice, she unlocked the door for you and walked back.

Paranoia | Obsessed!Vanessa Shelly (Afton) x Fem!Reader | DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now