Water? Tea? Wine Perhaps?

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"Official Shelly, there has been a crash next to the local museum, you're our closest officer, head there and go see what's going on."

"Roger that," that's actually something Vanessa enjoyed responding with. She returned the walkie and rose a brow while thinking. What a coincidence! Just where she was going anyway.

She had already dropped off Mike and Abby at home, so she didn't have to worry about that in the least, and the pictures she had taken on the supermarket that same day would surely help her find you even faster.

She got to the scene, where she could distinguish two cars that were most definitely headed to the scrapping. Unfortunately, she'd have to memorize your license plate once more.

She left her cruiser and walked towards both vehicles. She checked the one you weren't in first, and as she thought, it was abandoned. The driver had exited it, with which success though she didn't know.

"Do you need a hand?" Maybe that wasn't the best time for humour, but that was her coping mechanism. She saw you, you didn't have blood on, it was more like blood had you, being barely conscious when she checked the second car.

You couldn't even bring yourself to answer, she quickly opened the door and you fell right trough it. Lucky for you, she catched you, smiling when she shouldn't once she realized you were actually wearing your seatbelt. "I guess it doesn't always help, does it?"

You needed medical attention urgently, so she carried you back to the automobile of her own, where she sat you in the passenger seat.

Vanessa couldn't believe how well she was handling everything. She felt like crying for what had happened to you, but also ecstatic for her being the one to save you? Of course Mike was right and she was truly out of her mind.

Meanwhile you, because of the crash, had passed off and wouldn't be reacting to anything any time soon. And the thing was, the hospital really wasn't that far away.

It lingered in her mind, not everyone at her age had a steady job, and that was one of the few things she didn't know about you.

What if you didn't have a good medical insurance? It could ruin you, and something as severe as those injuries were certainly something Vanessa couldn't pay out of her pocket either.

She had already healed Mike before, and his wounds weren't much better than yours, she could surely do the same for you.

So that's what she did, instead of calling an ambulance, or calling someone to remove the cars from the street – as she completely should've –, she just took you with her. Another officer can deal with the rest, she'd just work more hours tomorrow.

"Where am I?"

What a tricky question, especially when in exactly that same instant, Vanessa had decided that it was a good moment to use the bathroom.

You admired your surroundings, a poorly lightened room filled with medical supplies and you being covered in stained bandages. You had never seen a place like that before, but as hard as you were trying to remember, nothing could justify your presence.

Your fingers traced your body, and it hurt, you must had been severely injured, as obvious as it seemed.

You rested on the cot as waiting for something to happen. Someone must've brought you there, right? The door was again opened with a Vanessa who couldn't keep a smile to herself, which, with you being awake, didn't seem appropriate.

"Who are you?" You instinctively asked.

Oh, she didn't expect you to wake up so soon, so that made her heart stop for a moment. "Y-you shouldn't move, you could seriously hurt yourself."

She walked towards you, completely ignoring your question. She took her backhand to your forehead while her other palm – even if it looked like she was stroking your hair – checked the aid around your head, where the deepest cut was.

"I don't think you have a fever, but you certainly need to rest. Let me take you home," she stood up and put back her jacket. You could finally see she was a cop, all the fright leaving your body.

You got lost in her soft, green eyes, who wouldn't leave yours for goodness sake. You actually forgot how to talk for a moment, until you noticed she was awaiting a response.

"Yes, officer." You mumbled as getting off the clinical bed.

Vanessa's grin couldn't be hidden as in her mind thoughts – that won't be shared – invaded her head. Good thing she turned around to exit the room and you didn't notice a single thing.

Back in her car, she opened the passengers seat door, so that time you would actually agree to get in.

You appreciated the courteous action. What did worry you, though, is that she didn't even ask for your address and already started driving off.

But that shouldn't be a problem right? Sure she'll just stop at the police station and then ask you.

Well, no. Not at all, actually. Because after approximately fifteen minutes she stopped at your very porch.

The lift was... Curious. You barely talked, she asked you from time to time how you were feeling, which you answered to with mere monosyllables.

To summarize it, it would be the wacky radio music, her time to time conversations via her walkie, and getting closer and closer to your neighborhood each second.

With a glance, you understood it was time to leave her vehicle. Then out, you walked to the entrance, and when you were to open the door, you noticed she hadn't left yet.

"Would you like to come in? Something to drink, perhaps?" Wow, what a show you were putting up. You stared directly at her, as you saw the tiniest smile forming.

She took a while to answer. "I mean, if it doesn't bother you."

"Of course not, it's the least I can do after everything you've done." You quickly walked back towards her.

Of course you didn't know, why would you ever think that the most attractive police woman you've seen could ever mean any harm to you? But please don't ever invite your stalkers over, because to every action there's a reaction, what people like to name consequences.

And you wouldn't know of those consequences any time soon.

Paranoia | Obsessed!Vanessa Shelly (Afton) x Fem!Reader | DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now