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"Chasing shadows in the grocery line again? The fourth time this week already, you found a new one." Mike claimed as putting some products inside the shopping cart.

"What do you mean? I just thought I saw someone I knew," Vanessa lied, as she usually did.

Mike scoffed. "Sure, and I am a unicorn."

"I knew Mike was a unicorn!" Abby exclaimed from behind.

"See? I told you!" Vanessa replied to her before ruffling her hair.

He shook his head. "What are you guys even talking about?"

"Oh, nothing important." With that, the blonde officer grabbed Abby's hand and walked her outside the shop. "Uh, I'll- I mean, we'll just wait for you in the car."

Mike was left in thought, as the last instance occurred incoherently. "Okay?"

And after a single head turn, he already knew what had gotten into his friend, as he saw you waiting on the opposite queue.

He knew it was you because of pictures Vanessa had showed him, pictures she had taken from the distance. That had really given him the creeps, but nothing that shocked him.

You didn't know each other, so he couldn't say hi, he shouldn't even be looking at you, but you left him wondering. What had you got that made Vanessa go completely crazy about you?

Seriously, she'd spend all her shifts roaming around the neighborhood trying to look for you, or taking advantage of her position to get information about you. It really wasn't sane, but mommy issues he guesses.

You barely were shopping for one thing or two, you didn't even need a bag, so as quickly as he snapped out of his thoughts, he'd already lost sight of you.

Getting to the police car not much after, Mike helped Vanessa put all the groceries inside the vehicle.

"You won't believe who I saw," He muttered while trying to find a good spot for the eggs.

She nodded. "Oh, I do believe you, and I took nine more photos. She looked so beautiful today."

"You're really freaking me out. Isn't stalking illegal?" He asked as closing the trunk.

That time though, she shook her head. "I mean, yeah, but who'd accuse me? If anyone asks, I need these files for mere investigation towards a recent...  accident, for instance."

"You lunatic," he mocked before getting into the passengers seat.

"I won't deny that." And Vanessa drove off. Following your schedule, which she didn't take long to memorize, you should be at the coffee shop next to the museum.


Just tell me if you liked the idea AKSKSKSJKD

Paranoia | Obsessed!Vanessa Shelly (Afton) x Fem!Reader | DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now