✉️ ― LETTER # 16

14 3 2

August 2015
Monticerra, La Verde

Dear Alexander,

As you know, I am not fond of writing letters. You can tell with the way these scrawls are formed. To make things short, I would rather talk to you in person or through calls and chats than this. But I have always been careless, impulsive, and blunt.

There was no other way for me to tell you everything except through that letter.

Yours truly,


P.S. In case I forgot to tell you, you have my permission. Dream of me as you like. : )

P.P.S. In case you forgot, that's a reference to your sixth letter about suffering from insomnia. If you still couldn't get a hint, that's on you.

P.P.P.S. Yes, you are one big sap.

Dearest, AlineWhere stories live. Discover now