ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕖𝕟

298 4 8

Mattheo's POV:


I was bored.

So bored.

My head was pounding from all of yesterday's drinks. My knuckles were all bruised and bloodied from punching my walls.

I decided to grab a pack of cigarettes and go to the rooftop. The parents don't go there unless it's planed and most of the other people in this house are dying from hangovers.

As I walked out into the corridor Nagini slithered from behind a corner and came to my side. I guess she decided to join me on my little break.


As I reached the top of the stairs I heard a voice outside. They weren't speaking English or any normal language. I recognized it as parseltongue.

I opened the door slightly so Nagini could go out before me and then I stepped out. I was met with an ornate dagger flying towards me and just missing me.

There in front of me stood my whore of a fiance. Her own pet snake; Salazar was circling her feet and hissing at Nagini.

The girl herself was glaring at me with hatred, hatred and more hatred burning in her eyes. My own gaze was probably the same.

She waved her hand slightly and her dagger flew back to her hand and she placed it back in the holster on her thigh.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" She hissed, I'm not sure if in parseltongue or English since I knew both. "I could ask the same of you" I answered back coldly.

"Well I asked first but if you so want to know I came here to think and smoke." "You can think?" I asked raising an eyebrow in fake surprise.

"Ugh." She half turned away but at the last second threw three knives at me. "So that's how we're playing doll?" I sent a few spells towards her.


We started dueling and we kept stepping closer. She was decent at it but she would have been dead if not that she kept dodging my attacks. She used a combination of non verbal spells and her daggers if she got close enough.

Then I heard a cry of pain in snake. I turned to see Nagini bleeding from a bite on her tail but that was a mistake. Lestrange took advantage of my distraction and kicked me in the side of my torso making me loose balance.

She pushed me down so I fell on my stomach, pinned my arms behind me and then straddled my back. In seconds, her dagger was at my neck.

She grabbed a handful of my curls and pulled my head back so I was looking her in the eyes. She had an evil smirk on her lips. Her chestnut eyes almost glowed in the light and her coffee coloured hair was slightly messy but still in the defined shape of her natural curls.

And I do admit I have been staring at her for a while and I have done so before. Just because I despise her does not mean I think she is ugly. I can see why most guys that see her want to hook up because she is hot but her attitude cancels all of the positives out.

Back to now. "Do you care about your little pet Nagini so much that you are willing to loose a duel for her?" She sneered. "Well if you do you might want to say your goodbyes because she also lost her fight. Salazar's venom is highly poisonous so she might die." She continued.

"And what do you mean by 'might' Lestrange?" I said but I was still in panting slightly from getting shoved to the floor. "Well... " she dragged the word out, "there is a small chance she might live. Just if she does she will become a hiding snake just like Salazar."

Said snake then slithered over to us and stopped in front of my face. He bared his fangs, still covered in a mix of Nagini's blood and his own venom. He then slithered up Lizzie's arm and froze in the form of a bracelet.

"You bitch" I spat at the girl still pinning me down. "Oh I'm so hurt by that" she put a hand over her heart pretending my comment hurt her. "It's not my fault Nagini lost, but if it makes your cold little heart not break, her being a maledictus means she's stronger than a regular snake."

And with that she got off me and walked off to the ladder that led to a secluded part of the roof.

I got up and went to check on Nagini. The bite wasn't very deep but it pierced her scales and I could see a large amount of gold venom around the wound.

I picked the snake up and walked to the edge of the terrace and sat down. I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket and lit it. Nagini curled up in my lap and I looked out onto the large expanse of forests the manor was surrounded by.

My mind went to the girl that I had just dueled. I had lost to her and it was rare or even impossible for me to loose a fight, ever. But she had beat me today and many times before. I hate to admit it but she is a really skilled witch.

I'm hoping that next time we fight I win. Maybe even kill her. I want to be the one to see her dark soul leave her eyes, I want to be the end of her. But something in the back of my mind was telling me something that I didn't want to acknowledge.

She might be the end of me.


Word count: 951
I'm sorry that it's been almost a month since the last update and I don't even have an excuse this time. But the chapter is here so don't kill me, dead people can't type. We're almost at 2k reads so thank you all, I started this because I was bored and I expected like 2 people to read it but here we are.

A/N- ♡

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