Chapter Twenty Nine

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I lie still on top of people, even though my back is killing me. Footsteps thunder down the stairs, it's another group of our people. One of them steps on my pinky and moves on.

I barely open my eyes to see if there is anyone in the stairwell. There is nobody in the immediate area, but I can hear Max and Eric in one of the rooms close by.

"Alright let's head out!" Max orders.

"Hey where is Delilah?" Eric asks.

"She must've gone with the others. Let's go Eric!" I am still in the stairwell, still frozen and sleeping like the others.

"Delilah?" Eric calls out.

"Eric are you coming or not?" Max asks. I can tell that he does not have the virtue of patience in him. But this is a time bomb so they have to hurry up in order to get this done.

"We have some divergent with us. Where do you want them?" Someone asks.

"Put them on the floor beneath us. Have you seen our other leader?" Eric's voice is muffled, but it's there.

"No sir she's not with us."

"Dammit. Something's wrong; She has to be here somewhere." Eric mutters.

"Then go to the stairwells. If she's not there meet us back in that room. Max says. Heavy footsteps go up the stairs then start back down.

Then they stop.

"Oh no. Delilah?" Eric shakes my shoulder. "Delilah wake up please." He flips me over and his fingers lightly skim my collarbone. That must be where the needle is.

"What is it? Did she get shot too?"

"Yeah someone mustve shot her."

"Damnit we don't have time for this. The other are going to wake soon. Let's go Eric." Max orders. "Now."

Eric's lips press against my forehead. "I love you and I will be back soon to come get you." Then he releases me and his steps fade down the stairs.

I lay there for a moment unsure whether or not to open my eyes. I decide to open them.

There is a man watching us at the bottom of the stairs. I quickly close my eyes and let out a shaky breath.

Please don't see me. Please don't catch me.

Footsteps thunder down the stairs and for a moment I think it's Eric coming to get me. But it's not. Uriah, Zeke's bother comes down the stairs and knocks out the guard before he has time to shoot him.

He looks back up at me and his eyes widen.

"Go," I mouth at him. He nods back at me and I smile knowing I let a divergent get away.

Another gaurd comes down and picks up the other guy.

"Get up now. I'll go get them." His voice is cold and gruff. I wouldn't reconize him if I had seen him.

He comes back and returns to his post at the top of the stairs. I hear banging. and someone's voice. But it is late and the people are sleeping.

I continue my rest for a while until I hear a gunshot. A few minutes later it comes on that they have the 100% Divergent and that they are getting her to Erudite headquarters. The man at the top rushes down the stairs, stepping on my finger.

And he steps on them again.

"This is one of the leaders. What is she doing with a needle in her neck?" He asks.

"I don't know. Someone might've accidently done it. I hear that it was on purpose with the other leaders. Especially that one guy. Eric. HEr fiancee."

What? Eric wouldn't do that. He couldn't.

But then I think. He can and he would, especially with Max on his side. If he had any reason to think that I was divergent, he would find a way to make it happen.

The man must be nearby, I can sense him.

I don't know what happened, if my face twitched, or if my body jerked slightly. But I am hauled up to my feet by my hair.

"Get up. And don't even lie about it. I see the needle in your neck," He growls. Dragging me down a series of hallways, I see the one where all of the divergents are in. But we enter the next room through a different door, where Eric sitting on the gound and a gun pointed to his head.

Oh god, Eric.

We are coming up behind him. Eric doesn't turn around to see me, but he does see the expression that Four is making.

"We got another one." The man says. He pushes me onto my knees besides Eric. I can't even look at him.

Instead I focus on the faces of the other people. I wonder how Four got in without getting shot. Just like these other ones. Their faces are stern and mine would be too if I were them.

Four waves the gun at him. "You both are under Jeanine's orders to get the divergent."

"Both?" Eric questions. "What do you mean both?"

"Look beside you." Four says. I this point I have my head hung low. I don't want to see him.

"Delilah? What the hell?"

I expected a much worse reaction from him. The calm before the storm.

"Now according to Dauntless rules, we have the right to execute the both of you. I should shoot you-" he points the gun at Eric. "First."

He pulls the release back. "Is that supposed to scare me?" Eric asks.

Four raises the gun to his forehead. "Eric, be-"

"What are you doing?" Another voice asks. It belongs to Jack Kang.

"Giving them a dauntless execution," Four says smugly. "We have the rights here."

"No you don't. You're at Candor. They are on our property, so we have the rights." A crowd forms behind him. The people must be awake now.

"Fine. Do what you want then." Four leaves the gun hanging at his side. Jack nods to the people in black and white jackets. They pulls us off of the floor and drags us to a room with only a bed and small side table. A few minutes later, Jack enters the room.

"You will both undergo a trial for tomorrow. The truth serum is powerful; There is no way to lie while you are under it. Afterwards I will see to it, under your new leaders, that you are executed or not. I don't appreciate it that you ambushed my faction." He sighs and walks out of the room.

Eric walks over and lays on the bed. I am feeling guilty to the most extreme, so I take the corner of the room and stare at the door.

Sleep doesn't come easily. I think about all of the actions that I have made for it to come here, in this room.

I should be grateful now.

But I hate that thought. I could be dead tomorrow.

I will be dead tomorrow.

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