Chapter Fourteen

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It's the day of Eric's  leadership ceremony. All of us are pleased with how he did in his final test. I assume that he is pleased as well...

"There are rumors going around about Eric." I say. Max leans against the wall in the empty hallway.

"What about?"

"How he's too young to be a leader. And his background about coming from Erudite. They say that we need someone that's a dauntless born to lead dauntless. All of us are except for Eric."

"So if we don't take down these rumors, then they'll start circulating and get worse, correct?"

"Yes sir."

Max ponders on this for a moment. "I'll see what I can do. Thank you for talking about this with me."

"No problem."

He walks back to the office, and I walk to the pit. Eric sits at one of the tables.

"May I join you?" I ask.

"The seat is empty."

"How are you feeling about tonight?" I ask.

"Pretty nervous. How did you feel? At your ceremony?"

"I felt... Powerful. I knew the people approved of me as I was first in all rankings of initiation."

"So no nervousness?"

I chuckled. "You have nothing to worry about Eric. You'll do fine."

"I mean I did take the final test and I was nervous, shouldn't it have gone away?"

"Nervousness can be mixed with excitement. So think about happy things and that nervousness will go away just fine." I pat him on the back and start to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"My apartment. Want to come?"

He nods and catches up to me. We walk in silence and I let him in.


"Yes please."

"There you go." I pass him a steaming cup and he sips it.

I sit next to him and take a good look at him. The earrings, the tattoos, his body, I mean he has grown a lot since becoming an initiate to a leader.

"What?" He asks. I've been staring at home too long.

"Nothing." I shake my head. It's nothing at all.

Eric stays until his cup is empty, then excuses himself out. I watch him go, as if the voices in my head aren't telling me there's nothing between us.


An hour later I hear a knock on my door. I opened it to find... Eric?

He holds a dozen roses in his hands. "These are for you," holding them out for me to take.

"Thank you." I grab the flowers, being careful not to poke my fingers on the thorns.

"So what are you doing back here? Is it because of the coffee?"

"No it's not about the coffee. It's about you."

I whip around. "Eric what are you talking about?"

"I want you... To be my girlfriend." He states.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I liked you when I became a dauntless member and it's becoming more than what we are willing to admit."

"How do you know that I like you too? What if I don't?"

"You look at me like I'm not some random guy on the street. I know the look when someone's in love."

"Okay." I throw my hands up. "I like you too."

"So I will ask the question again. Delilah, will you be my girlfriend?"

My mouth curves in just the right angles, forming a smile. "Yes Eric, I will be your girlfriend."

A smile forms on his face as he comes towards me for a hug.

I go into his embrace, his scent of musk and jasmine feeling like a safe space. I've never been this vulnerable before, thinking that being vulnerable was a sign of weakness. But no, it's a greater force than being strong and brave.

We stay there,swaying a bit until I look at my watch. "We should be going to the pit. It's time for your ceremony." He pulls away and slides his hand until it connects with mine.

"My nervousness has gone away." He says.

"Oh so that's what you were nervous about. That I might say no?"

"Yeah. I kept thinking of the worst possible scenarios but it turned out alright."

"It turned out better than okay because I said yes."  I giggle.

We make our way into the pit, where we let go of our hands so that Max doesn't suspect anything.

"Let's get this over with." Eric mumbes.

"It's not as bad as it seems. You'll be fine."

"I hope so." Standing on the podium, Max starts his speech about what it means to be a leader.

"Hello everyone. Welcome to the leadership ceremony." He starts.

"This ceremony was made for the future people of this faction. It takes a lot to be a leader. A lot of stability, power, mentality. Over the course of several months, we train to have the best leader that we can. Now it is time to acknowledge those who stand up for their people. Eric has all of those and more. A transfer from Erudite, he has proven and gone above for what it means to be a leader. He is strong, in mentality and strength as shown in his results since becoming a member of this faction. And now we welcome him into becoming a leader."

"Ladies and gentlemen, Eric Coulter, one of your new leaders of Dauntless."  The room bounds into applause and whistles, showing great support for Eric.

Max steps back, letting Eric in front. "Say a few words to your people."

"Hello everyone." Eric starts. The whole room goes silent as they wait in anticipation.

"I would like to thank everyone for their support in making me a leader of this faction. I couldn't have done it without you and the other leaders of Dauntless. I promise to fulfill my duties and to take the best possible care of you to the best of my abilities. Thank you."

The room fills with applause again as Eric shakes each of our hands.

"I am so proud of you." I tell him when he gets to me.

"I am too." He gives me a wink, and in this moment I know that no matter what happens, everything will be okay with Eric by my side.

Hey to everyone reading this. Just to let you know that the next chapter will start during the divergent timeline (Tris Prior storyline)

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