Chapter Twenty

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The next few weeks I felt the burden over my mother's death leave me, like it was just a fever dream. I wish it was.

While Im in my office, Max comes into my office.

"Hey what's up?" I say. I need a break so now i just ditch whatever I was doing to focus on another thing.

"How's it going Delilah?" He asks.

"Good. Is there anything you want to talk about?" I know he must be here for something more.

"Actually there is," He starts. "You know how the initiates are doing? This is the seconds stage."

"What about it?"

"Well stage two shows who the divergents are. So far nobody is showing,  but I do have some suspions on some of them. Including our so called "Initiation Trainer."

"What's going on now?" I ask. Jeanine wants to crack down on every divergent that she can find in the dauntless compound. Especially during stage two.

"Well yesterday after training was over I went to check up on the footage from the simulations and one of them is gone. Guess who's it is?"

"Tris Prior?" Its probably not her, just a random guess.

"Yep." My eyesbrows raised. I wasnt expecting it to be her.

"So..." I start out, choosing my words carefully. "You think that four deleted the record of it because she is divergent?"

"I don't think. I know."

"Hm. Maybe Four is divergent too."

"Maybe. Thats probably why he deleted it. Doesn't want anyone to suspect that she is divergent."

"He also claimed that the footage is lost because of the leaks in the compound. But there was too much water in the computer for such a short amount of time."

"He is definitely protecting her then. There is no doubt about it."

"Yes. But we will get the both of them soon. Don'y you worry about it."

"Hey Im a leader too. It is my problem as well and we will tackle it together." I say. Its insulting when people say that they will do it themselves. Especially when there is more than one leader.

"Alright I will keep you in the loop. Just focus on Jeanine for now. I will handle Four."

The door quietly shuts behind him. I return back to the screen in front of me, but I am too worried to focus on it now.

Instead I know what I have to do.

Jumping in one of the empty train cars, I watch as the city goes by. Later today I watched four as he went to the Facionless sector and pass a note to a man. I wonder if it was  for him.

The train lights are off, so I am safely hidden in the shadows. We pass dauntless once again, and a familliar figure comes into the train. Its Four.

Right on time.

I wonder what he is doing, maybe it is the factionless man. Or could it be that he is leaving dauntless?

I stay hidden in the corner not moving an inch. Four stays by the door, watching as the city passes  by.

When we get around the factionless center, a woman jumps in. She is wearing amity boots, Erudite dress and a dauntless jacket.

"Hello." She looks almost the same as four, but just a little bit older.


"Everytime I see you, your bigger. I guess there's no point in worrying that you're eating well."

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