Chapter Ten

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Over the next few weeks, Eric's busy with training, something that I have to be involved in with the other leaders. There are also rumors going around, with Eric being so young and from his background.

"So," I say as I'm cooped up in the training room with Eric as he hits the punching bag over and over again. "Are you happy you're gonna be the next leader of dauntless?"

"Yes." Bang. He hits it again. Bang. I notice how his fist fits perfectly with the head of the dummy.

"That's good."

Max walks in, saving me from speaking another word to Eric. "How is he doing?"

"Good. His force is great, his aim is spectacular. I know he'll past this portion."

Out of the corner of my eye, Eric stops to hear what we are talking about.

"Hey did I tell you to stop? I didn't so get back to work." I say to him. His eyes are glaring at me, upset for noticing him. But he doesn't say nothing just goes back to punching the bag.

"So what's next for Eric in terms for leadership?" I assume he's gonna be working with his fears but that's not what max says.

"He'll be working with guns next, then meet with the leaders, then electronics and his fears for the final.

"Saving the worst for last?"

"Something like that, yeah.

"Okay." Dauntless is the only faction to have more than one leader. Marcus Eaton for Abnegation, Johanna Reyes for Amity, Jack Kang for Candor, and Jeanine Matthews for Erudite. Even though there are five of us for dauntless, Max is the main one, even though he is getting old with all the lines in his face. But as long as he can jump on and off of a train, that's all that really matters.

I think about the informant that told Jeanine about Amar. If that was Eric, then why would we need to introduce them when they already know each other? Maybe it wasn't him. But then again we need them to meet each other on a professional level. Leader to leader. I know, I had to do it last year.

Was I intimidated by each one? Yes. But did I make it out alright? Yes. So will Eric. He will do perfectly fine with each of the leaders.

"Break time!" I called out to him. He looked at me and continued punching.

"Hey? I said break time didnt I? Are you deaf nose?" I said, trying out the slang that dauntless use for erudite.

"I'm not a nose!" He huffed. I walked over and grabbed his hand mid punch. "I said it's time for a break."

"Fine," he spat out. He gets off the mat and gets his water that's against the wall and takes a sip.

"How long?" He asks. I check my watch.

"15 minutes."

"I'm going for a walk then."

"Okay do what you want to."

He walks off as Max walks in. "Where's he going?"

"I sent him on a break. He was getting tired from punching that bag."

"Okay then."

"Well it isnt initiation anymore."

"I wasn't gonna argue with you Delilah."  Max says as he walks off.

I stand alone, waiting for Eric to get back. He soon returns, wiping the sweat off of his brow.

"How did it go?" I ask.

"It was just a walk," he sneered. Walking over to him, I grabbed him by his shirt collar and whipped him around. "Don't disrespect me."

"Don't grab me without my permission."

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