Chapter Nineteen

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"Have we found anymore divergent?" The question lingers on, desperate for an answer. We have been sitting in the conference room for at least an hour listening to the plan set in place for the future.

"No not yet. We are not doing the tests on them yet. That will show who is divergent or not." I say.

"We can send a serum over to do a test run on one of your people. I believe that we have it all down for it to work."

"Why can't you do it on a robotic person?" I ask.

"Because we do not have time to make a bunch of robotics. It took several years to make the ones we have now. Besides, your people know how to shoot and kill people." Jeanine states.

"Well we do not kill people with guns. The only way that they get killed is if they jump off of a bridge with no railing."

"Well you will soon. Once all of Abnegation is killed, Erudite will just have to take over for the government and have everyone live in prosperity and wealth and lead a comfortable life." Jeanine sounds pleased with her plan so far. I however, am not. I don't know much about the other factions, especially abnegation, but they seem like the perfect faction, always helping people and never worrying about themselves. But that life is not for me. Or for Jeanine apparently.

"Don't you agree?" Jeanine adds. A part of me wants to runaway and forget that i am a part of this but at the same time i have to do my duty and comply.

So I say the one word that'll make everyone happy. "Yes."

"You don't seem confident in that answer, Ms. Marku." Jeanine says. I am unable to look at her, that awful face drilled into my brain.

"I'm just thinking. That's all."

"About what?"

"Just the future and how this is going to affect everyone."

"For the better," there wasn't an additional ending to that sentence, but Jeanine adds one.

"If you are not confident in this plan for the future, then why are you a leader? Maybe you should lower your rank perhaps."

"Excuse me? I can handle my rank perfectly fine for this faction," I say.

"All right enough," Max says. "We are going to go ahead with this plan whether or not everyone is confident in their abilities to execute this. This will revolutionize our city as a whole, a change for the better." He looks between us. "And there will be no fighting, or diminishing roles. Do you both understand this?"

"Yes sir." I wasn't critized much by max but when I did it sure stung. Jeanine just nods, a smug smile on her face.

"Okay. Delilah where are we with the numbers for the faction?"

"There is 15,500 dauntless members and 67,250 abnegation." I had to go stealth mode to try to find out how many people abnegation had since their people live longer than ours. I couldn't just outright ask, that would set them alert.

"Alright. And how many serums have you made so far Jeanine?"

"About 14,000 so far. We can make the last 1,500 this week as my people are working on it so far."

"Good. And when are we planning on doing this?

"Well the abnegation are planning to reveal something to the city soon so I want to do it a week before that. Perhaps right after the dauntless ceremony."

"Good. I'll control when they activate. Be advised for 6 am the following morning."

"Sounds good. I conclude that this meeting is over. Let us know if you have any more questions for our plan." Max says.

"Will do." Jeanine reches over and shakes both of our hands. Max escorts her out of the compound while I find what the initiates and Eric are getting up to.

I walk into the training room to find two of the initiates fighting. Eric watches them, intensely.

"Who's fighting who?" I ask softly.

"Christina and Molly," he replies.

I watch on as Christina screams and pulls away from Molly with blood running down her nose. The fights between initiates are pretty rough, I dont blame them for going unconsious.

But Christina doesn't. Instead she holds out her hand and says, "Stop! I'm..." she coughs. "I'm done."

Erics walks toward the arena with folded arms. "I'm sorry, what did you say? You're done?"

Christina nods, as she leaves a red handprint on the mat from her blood.

"Get up." Eric says. He looks at me, then back at the rest of the initiates. "Follow me."

We walk towards the chasm, where the river is surpisingly calm. As Eric leads Cristina to the other side, he pushes her so she almost falls to her death, but Eric hangs on so she can get a grip.

"Grab the rail. Or don't." He lets go of her hand and steps back.

"You've got three options. Hang there and I forget your cowardice. Fall and die, or give up. If you give up you're out."

I stand beside Eric, just watching. Her hands start slipping but not much as she yells out a pained groan.

"Come on Chris," one of the girls say. Christina doesnt need any help or encouragement from anyone. If you're going to be dantless, you need to learn to be on your own. Everyone needs to learn that sooner or later.

"Time." Eric calls out and the girl and one of the boys help her up.

"Dauntless never give up," He adds.  We both walk away as the three of them catch their breath. 

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