Chapter 31

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Izuku stood outside Class 1-A, Tomura in front of him. The greenette was anxious, especially since the class had to witness that anxiety attack he had. But the league had reassured him things would be alright.

"Zuku, I've got to go now. But, I promise I'll be waiting here for you when the lesson is over." he said, smiling at the greenette softly. "Alright?"

He nodded, giving the blue-headed male one more hug before going in. He looked around, fidgeting slightly. Soon, he noticed Denki a few seats away. He smiled at the blonde who smiled back, reducing his anxiety as he found comfort in the electric boy.

During the last few days, those two had bonded. They would always sit at the bottom of the same tree, talking about their problems, school work or flowers. Izuku was starting to have an interest. It reminded him of the time he had an obsession with Kanji.

"Dude, how did you, out of all people, befriend a villain?"

Kirishima leaned forward, asking Denki questions about his relationship with Midoriya. Kaminari sighed as Sero joined the conversation.

"Yeah! How did you do that?"

The blonde looked down. "Can you please not call him a villain?"

"But, that's what he is." Kirishima said blantantly.

Sero nodded. "He was with the league. He can't exactly be called a hero right now."

"You two know nothing." he mumbled, averting his eyes.

"What was that?"

He looked up, pushing his anger to the back of his mind. "I said, you two know nothing. Midoriya is way nicer than you two claim him to be. He's actually caring and sweet. He's just scared, anxious."

It was a true fact. Ever since he'd been friends with the guy, they'd been sharing stories from their past. Midoriya used to be such a caring kid, yet he got bullied for being quirkless, which, quite frankly, Denki couldn't understand. They should have been protecting him, not bullying him.

Soon, Midoriya felt comfortable enough to tell him about things such as the All Might situation or his anxiety. That day ended in hugs and laughs, fortunately.

"He's still a villain, bro." Eijiro retorted.

"Whatever..." Denki replied, giving up on his argument. He knew they'd never side with him anyway, so why should he try? Why waste his energy?

"Alright, problem children." Aizawa's voice brought him back to reality as he shuffled around, sitting properly in his seat.

Denki smiled at Izuku across the classroom, seeing the green-haired boy staring back at him before turning away, very obviously flustered.

You've been through so much, what made you change paths? Whatever the reason, I swear I'll always be here for you. I promise.

"Let's begin."

Midoriya walked with Kaminari to his dorm room. He had gotten permission from Aizawa to visit the villain rehab floor where the league were currently staying. Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga were also walking with them, mostly walking in front of them as they had the keys and Izuku didn't.

Denki couldn't contain his excitement. He was practically bouncing off the walls: not literally. He had never been invited over to a friend's place before, so this all felt very exciting and new. He smiled at Izuku, excited to see the boy's dorm room.

Was it painted green like his hair? Did it have any figurines or posters? Was the room smaller or bigger than the class's? Did he have any books or notebooks they could read together?

Excited was an understatement.

Midoriya felt both excited and nervous at the same time. He was excited as he had never been able to invite a friend over, not having any in the first place due to his quirklessness. But, he felt nervous as this was his first real friend in months.

Did he make his bed? Did he clean his room? Did he tidy up the wardrobe that he hadn't touched since he got here?

Nervous was definitely an understatement.

Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga, however, were tired. They'd had to do quirk training again today. Shigaraki had trained with both Eraserhead and Thirteen, learning how to use his quirk on individual things and how to 'turn it off' so he didn't have to wear gloves his entire life. Dabi had trained with Ectoplasm again today, learning how to burn things in certain patterns and extending his range and limit overall. Toga had trained with Midnight, mostly in quirkless combat. She had told Midnight her hatred for her quirk, especially her blood-thirst, and so, they practiced hand to hand combat instead.

All in all, it was a very tiring day.

They reached the dorm floor. Quickly, Shigaraki pulled the key out of his pocket, craving coffee and his warm duvet.

Shigaraki turned the key, ready to just open the door and jump onto the nearest bed. Yet, when they entered the room, a sight that they'd never expect laid before him.

Kurogiri and Aizawa stood there, yet there was something very different. The mist villain's form was fading in and out, showing the purple mist one second and a faded blue-haired boy the next. The blue-haired boy seemed to have a plaster on his nose as his ocean blue eyes traced Aizawa's form as he spoke. He also happened to wear a.. school uniform?

Izuku walked forward, standing beside Shigaraki. He searched the room, curious as to what his brother was staring at, wide-eyed.

"Kuro.. giri?"

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