Chapter 10

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Aizawa, Nezu and Tsukauchi sat in the principal's office, looking over a few papers. They were going to discuss Deku, known better as Izuku Midoriya. The middle schooler who had gone missing ten months ago.

"Aizawa, you said you had information?" Nezu confirmed, as he took a sip out of his tea.

Shota nodded, "Bakugou came to me and gave me some important information about Deku." He put down his mug, "Bakugou told me he spoke to Deku briefly at the U.S.J and learned some things about the kid."

Tsukauchi spoke up, "Is Bakugou hurt at all?"

"No, he's fine."

"Continue, Aizawa." Nezu smiled.

Aizawa sighed, "Bakugou explained to me that when he spoke with the kid, Deku let his guard down. But, apparently, his mood suddenly changed. He said that it seemed as though he was being controlled or, worse, manipulated by another."

"Manipulating a child?" Tsukauchi asked, "That's just evil, especially as Deku was just a middle schooler when he went missing."

"There's more." Aizawa explained, seeing intrigued faces looking back at him, "Bakugou said that Deku stated that 'All For One had saved him'."

"Meaning that.. " The detective wrote down some notes in his notebook.

"Yes, All For One is at play here." He confirmed, "Which brings me to another theory. Do you remember that 'man-child' I talked about?"

The chimera looked intrigued, "Tomura Shigaraki, yes. I remember."

Aizawa averted his eyes for a second, "I believe that All For One might have manipulated not only Deku, but also Tomura Shigaraki."

Nezu perked up, "That gives me an idea!" He picked out some paperwork from his drawer, "Do you remember that Villain Rehabilitation idea we talked about?"

Aizawa stopped, before glaring at the chimera. Opening the Villain Rehabilitation would mean that Nezu would place them in his class. He sighed deeply, "Yes."

"Let's do it."

Bakugou sat on his bed, a green stuffed bunny on his lap. He was wearing one of his comfy hoodies, which usually were supposed to help him relax. But, the deal with Izuku and the league was making him sad but at the same time making his blood boil.

He wanted to MURDER All For One.

He hugged the bunny, finding unknown comfort in the stuffed animal. Izuku had given it to him as a Christmas gift when they were just little. Before quirks mattered at all.

He wanted to find Izuku again and apologise about everything that happened. He wanted to make it up to him. He didn't care if Izuku forgave him or not. He just needed to apologise before it was too late.

He hoped they could be friends. He hoped they could make up. He hoped they could have sleepovers, or have movie nights, or even just hang out. Like friends. Again.

Izuku and Tomura sat in the bar, Kurogiri out somewhere retrieving a new possible member. Shigaraki hadn't told the greenette much about this new supposed member, but he guessed he was good enough that the blue-head wanted him on the team.

Although, Shigaraki had warned him that this person was a mass murderer at the moment. Killing people left and right, he had said.

That didn't scare Izuku much, to his surprise. The greenette lived with Shigaraki, for All Might's sake!

But, Izuku was conflicted with something else. He didn't know whether to listen to All For One's twisted truth, or trust Katsuki's side of things. He was homesick, but at the same time, wanted to stay with Tomura, his unrelated older brother and Kurogiri, his current father figure.

He was also scared Inko wouldn't want him anymore. He had been a villain for nearly a year now, and he was sure no parent wanted a person like that.

"Izuku, you alright?" Tomura asked, looking down at him with concern filling his crimson orbs.

Midoriya nodded intently, "Mhm! Just nervous about meeting a new person for the first time in like forever!" He chuckled.

"You'll be fine, I'm sure." He replied, ruffling the greenette's hair.

The silence was heavy, but at the same time, it was comforting. Izuku liked the silence nowadays, but he also hated it at the same time. It reminded him of his time in middle school. Too much.

But, he knew he wouldn't be alone like that again. He had Tomura. He had Kurogiri. He had All For One.

He wouldn't feel alone again. He wouldn't be alone again. Never again.

Suddenly, a portal made of purple and black hues opened up near the far wall. Both Midoriya and Shigaraki stood up, ready to greet the new member. The greenette pulled up his mask as he straightened his tie once again. Shigaraki put the hand over his face again.

A man wearing a beige mask over his eyes stepped out. He wore a black sleeveless jumpsuit, with beige bandages covering his arms. He also had black wrist guards, with a sort of watch contraption attached to the left wrist guard.

The man also had black, messy hair and a red scarf wrapped around his neck. As he stepped forward, Izuku noticed he had a variety of knives on his back. He noticed the man also had some knives attached to his hips in some knife pocket contraption.

He also marveled at the spikes attached to the man's shoes which reached his knee caps.

"Deku, this is Stain. Hero Killer: Stain."

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