Chapter 6

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Bakugou walked with his class, slightly behind the rest of them. Today, they were going to have a Heroics class at the U.S.J, better known as the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. He looked around at the multiple different disaster zones around them.

Deku would've loved this.

Aizawa seemed to be whispering something to Thirteen, the other pro-hero joining them today. Thirteen held up three fingers in response, whatever that meant. It seemed that All Might wasn't here, like he was supposed to be.

"Today, you will complete rescue missions in one of these disaster zones with some of your classmates. You will have to work together as a team to complete the mission." Aizawa explained, seeming like he needed his coffee.

Thirteen stepped forward, "As you may know, I'm a pro-hero mainly based in rescue. But, that doesn't mean my quirk is completely safe. If I used my quirk incorrectly, it could be very deadly." She explained, "When rescuing others, you must make sure you use your quirk correctly for each situation. For example, I can use black hole to suck up debris but if I use it incorrectly, I could injure others severely."

Bakugou already knew that though. He had injured Midoriya in the past with his quirk, that was something he never wanted to do again.

"Woah, Mr Aizawa, did we get fake villains too?" Kirishima asked.

Aizawa looked towards where they were looking. There weren't supposed to be any actors, he thought.

A portal made of purple and black hues had opened up in front of the fountain. Several villains walked out, some with mutant quirks, ones he couldn't erase. Soon, a blue-headed villain walked out. He had multiple hands covering his body, including his face.

"Get behind me, now!" He shouted, pulling down his goggles over his eyes. He got into a fighting stance, "Those aren't fake villains, they're real."

Real villains?, he thought as a wide smile spread across his face, time to show them who's boss!

"Come on, Bakugou! Mr Aizawa asked us to try to escape and as class president, I can't leave a classmate behind. It would be incredibly disrespectful of me." Iida shouted.

Rolling his eyes, Bakugou followed regardless. He couldn't find Izuku if he was dead, could he? He looked behind him one last time, seeing his teacher fighting some of the weak thugs. He couldn't let Aizawa die either.

Aizawa had agreed to helping him find Izuku. He had agreed to helping him and Inko out with the case. He couldn't leave him, could he?

But, yet, something was preventing him from going. Something that told him that Aizawa would be okay. That he was strong and could fight for both himself and the class's safety.

"Hurry, Bakugou!"

He hurried up, reaching the class. They had stopped in front of the same warp gate villain that brought the villains here. He was blocking the doors. Their only way out.

Time stopped.

And suddenly, Bakugou was lunging forward at the villain.

Izuku waited at the base for Kurogiri's portal to open up again. He had to analyze the students and teachers if he could, that was it. No pressure.

Due to his low position, he didn't have to dress up much. He had a slightly dusty white, buttoned up shirt on as well as Tomura's old black jeans. They were the best fitting ones he found, with the absence of rips adding to his luck.

He also wore a black, sleeveless tuxedo. All For One said that he had to look older than his age to be taken more seriously. He straightened the dark red tie he wore as well as adjusting his colourless mask.

The portal opened up. He took a deep breath before walking through. He was somewhere where he could overlook the USJ. He could see Tomura and the 'distractions' fighting Eraserhead. He also saw Kurogiri fighting a few students and another pro-hero, Thirteen.

He took out his notebook and started to scribble down what he could.

Name: Shota Aizawa

Hero Name: Underground Hero - Eraserhead

Quirk: Erasure

Quirk Information: His quirk can erase those with emitter or transformation-type quirks. His quirk does not work on mutant-type quirks. His erasure lasts for the period of time he can keep his eyes open for. The moment he blinks, the effect wears off and the quirk is returned to the owner.

Occupation: Underground hero, U.A High First Years Homeroom Teacher (1-A)

Suddenly, he was knocked off of his feet as ice encased his feet. His notebook was just out of reach. If they retrieved it, he would get the league in trouble. If he got caught, they would know where the league was.

He couldn't allow that.

He focused as he formed a ball of fire. It was of beautiful different shades of dark blue. The heat hurt a little, as he was still getting used to the temperature. After making it the correct size, he aimed it right at the ice, exploding it on impact.

"What do you want from us, villain?!" A boy with dual-coloured hair asked as Midoriya stood up. The boy in question had white and red hair, as well as heterochromic eyes consisting of blue and grey. Izuku also discretely noticed the burn mark on the boy's left side.

"Why do I have to tell you my intentions?" He asked, picking up his notebook.

"I am a hero in training, and I was told that it would only be us here today." The boy replied, trying to encase Midoriya's feet in ice again, "So, who are you?"

"I won't tell you my name." Izuku said, dodging the ice that came his way, "And I especially won't tell a mere student like yourself."

Footsteps suddenly made themselves known. There was a boy with spiky, red hair that stood up. He had red eyes as well as sharp teeth. Another boy was there. He had ash blonde hair with crimson eyes. Eyes that reminded him of Tomura.

"Why are you just standing there, Icyhot!?" The blonde shouted, "Do something!"

Deku looked around. If he jumped down, there was a high chance he could break his legs and Garaki wasn't good at fixing injuries. If he fought them, there was a high chance he could get captured.

The blonde looked at the greenette properly, "Deku?"

He knew that voice. The same voice that had tormented him all these years.


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