Chapter 19

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Izuku's eyes fluttered open, immediately closing due to the bright light above him. He sat up slowly, opening his eyes again to observe the unknown location.

He was in a small room, maybe a little bigger than his room back at the base. The walls were an off-putting white, the floor made up of metal tiles that he guessed made sound if you walked along them.

He looked down, seeing that his wrists were confined by some type of restraint. They were a metal grey with a little dot on the top which was currently black. He tried to use his quirk, trying to create a small blue fireball, but nothing happened.

Quirk restraints?..

He noticed the dot light up red on the restraints. Was it going to light up every time he tried to use his quirk?

This is annoying.

Wait. He looked down to check if he still had Tomura's hoodie. He couldn't lose that. If he lost that.. he doesn't know what he'd do.

He exhaled sharply, feeling relieved. He still had his brother's hoodie on. He pulled the sleeves down, feeling warmer and better with it on. It felt as if Tomura was still here with him. Like he'd never been captured. Like they were still together.

"Deku, can you hear us?"

A voice. Someone was here?

Yet, he still nodded. He didn't like this. He wanted to go home. He wanted to go back to his brother, his father, his family. But, he needed to stay strong. He couldn't cry in front of these.. where were the voices coming from?

"That's great news!"

Izuku straightened up, "Who are you? Where.. where are you?" He looked around again, "Where am I?"

"Pardon my rudeness, I'm Nezu, U.A's school principal!" He introduced, "Right now, you are in one of U.A's interrogation rooms. As for us, we're just a room away!"

"Why am I here?" He asked, bringing his arms up to his chest to snuggle into the hoodie, Tomura's vague scent calming him down.

"Eraserhead caught you at the Training Camp with the League Of Villains, so it's only right for us to ask some questions. Is that alright with you, Deku?"

He nodded, seeing as there was literally no other way out of this situation. He could be put somewhere else if he tried to escape or run.

The voice changed, its tone lower and deeper, "Hello, Deku. I'm Eraserhead and I'll be asking you the questions we need answers to. Before I begin, I want to make you aware that Detective Tsukauchi is in the room with us and can tell if you are saying a statement that is true or false." He paused before speaking again, "Firstly, Deku, what is your name, age and quirk?"

"My name.." He took a deep breath, bringing the sleeves of the hoodie closer to his face, "My name is Izuku Midoriya, I'm sixteen years old and my quirks are Phoenix and X-Ray Vision. Although, I was originally quirkless."


He looked down, "I was born quirkless, but then All For One saved me from this degrading society and gave me two quirks."

"I hate to break it to you, kid, but All For One isn't the savior you believe him to be."

Izuku snapped his head up, "No, you're lying. He saved me from everything that was happening to me!"

The voice went silent for a second. The greenette snuggled into the hoodie, resisting the urge to fidget. He was anxious. He wasn't sure which side was telling the truth. All For One had saved him.. right?

A door opened. He looked towards the sound, seeing the same scruffy man from the training camp standing before him. He was holding a phone, sympathy written all over his face.

He walked over, crouching beside the boy before holding the phone up, a video clip playing on the screen.

All For One and All Might stood on the battle field. He was in his small form which was unusual. He had blood spilling from his head, making Izuku think he'd gotten a pretty bad blow to the head. Well, the scattered debris said it all.

The potato-headed man put his arms out wide, "What a pathetic 'top hero'!" He put his arms down, his voice sounding weird with that black mask thing on.

"Even if you try to expose that form," He put his fist in front of his chest, "My heart will remain that of the Symbol Of Peace! It is not something that you can steal even a single piece of!"

All For One stood unfazed, "You know, Tomura Shigaraki is Nana Shimura's grandson!"


"It's the truth!" He emphasized, "You know Izuku Midoriya, right?"

All Might stood stock still, "What did you do..?"

"I told him the truth of this terrible society!"


He chuckled, "Yes! I groomed both Tomura and Izuku to hate heroes! And now, they are merely playing pieces I need to move on a chess board to win." All Might stood with a frown, "Where's your smile?"

The Symbol Of Peace's hands shook, until soon, his whole body shook. He seemed to be fazed, until his right arm began to inflate. He muttered an incoherent phrase before saying, "That's why I won't lose!"

All For One floated into the sky, rolling his eyes in annoyance. All Might also.. floated? He rose as he powered up the strength in his arm.

Endeavour seemed outraged, "What is that form of yours, All Might?!"

The potato-headed man held his left arm out, "As expected of the man who climbed his way to the number two spot."

"What is with that pitiful back?!" The Number Two Hero screamed out at All Might.

Izuku noticed other pros in the background picking up causalities, an example being Tiger who currently held Ragdoll and a bystander. Others such as Edgeshot tried fighting the person he called master, failing in the process.

"How annoying." The potato-headed man stated before blasting them with one of his many quirks, resulting in creating a crater in the ground. His body began to change, "Springlike Limbs, Kinetic Booster times four, Strength Enhancer times three..." He muttered the rest, too quiet for the camera's microphone to pick up.

The ravenette took the phone back, noticing the silence of the teenager beside him. He tucked the phone into his pocket before giving the greenette a hug.

He'd been manipulated by someone he thought was trustful. So, finding out he was using him the whole time wasn't exactly a nice feeling. Shota could feel the teenager resting his head on his shoulder, the hug becoming awkward as Midoriya couldn't accept the gesture properly.

Shortly afterwards, they separated.

"Midoriya, do you know where Bakugou or the League are?" He asked, still crouching in front of him.

He fidgeted nervously with his hands, "I-I don't know their exact loca-location.."

"That's okay." He reassured him, seeing how anxious he seemed to be, "We can revisit that at a later date."

He looked down, "Am I going to prison now?.."

"Absolutely not!" The voice from earlier spoke, startling them both, "You'll be staying here in our Villain Rehabilitation System, here at U.A!"

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