Chapter 3

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The last ten months of Aldera Middle School were different. Ever since the greenette went missing, Bakugou had been quieter and less violent. No one knew what had changed. He was so set on finding Izuku that nothing else crossed his mind. Midoriya's case had been closed after they searched for him restlessly in the first three months. But, Katsuki and Inko knew that he had to be out there somewhere, alive. Waiting to be saved, to be found.

"Katsuki Bakugou!"

He jolted up as Mitsuki shouted his full name in an attempt to get his attention.

"Yes, old hag?" Katsuki asked, his voice had a less aggressive tone ever since Izuku had disappeared.

She held out a small, handheld bag to him, "Do well for me and him, alright?" Katsuki took the bag as he looked to the side, the mention of his childhood friend invoking bad memories, "Izuku wouldn't like to see you like this, would he? Now go, get into U.A for us!"

Izuku sat at the bar once more. It had been ten months since he joined the league. It had been like a breath of fresh air at most. He finally had a break away from the bullying, the negligence, the fears he once possessed. Kurogiri had become more like a mother figure to him than just a bodyguard that was now supposed to help, assist and protect both him and Tomura.

"Izuku, would you like anything to eat?" Kurogiri asked, "You haven't eaten much all day, you need to eat something else at least. Take a break."

Midoriya had been training for the last ten months, harsh training. He had two quirks, so finding time to try to control and make them grow was hard. He still had to find time to eat and sleep, but lately he had been neglecting that without even knowing.

"Sure. I could use some energy for later anyway."

Shigaraki sat down next to him. The man's cold, crimson eyes had found some sort of warmth in the greenette's. It was unusual for Shigaraki to show any emotion apart from anger towards anyone or anything, so feeling this warmth felt strange to him.

"Hey, Tomura." Midoriya said, turning to face him.

Shigaraki looked at him, "What do you want, brat?"

He rolled his eyes, "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to train with me later.."

"Is that even a question?" He scoffed, "Obviously, so that I can prove I'm better!"

Midoriya rolled his eyes again, "Whatever you say!"

Bakugou used another explosion on the three-pointer in front of him. That should be 68 points now, he thought as he ran through the streets to find another robot in the fake city. He had to get into U.A, it could be his only chance to find Izuku! If he became a hero, he could work on the case and find him.


He looked up, expecting to find another three-pointer. But, instead stood a massive zero-pointer. Present Mic had said to avoid it at all costs, but that wasn't going to be so easy. He was going to run away like the rest when he heard a scream.

A boy with red, spiky hair had been trapped under the rubble near the robot. He didn't know why, but his legs just started running towards it. He reminded him so much of Izuku that he now had an unusual desperation to save him. If he did it properly, he could set off a big enough explosion that would destroy the robot in one hit.

With the built up nitroglycerin, he set off the explosion, destroying the robot's wire system completely.

"Times up!" Present Mic's voice yelled.

Slowly, Bakugou helped remove the rubble off of the boy. He didn't know what it was, but seeing that red-head in danger made him desperate to save him. Maybe Izuku's disappearance had done this to him, who knows?

"Thanks man!" The red-head thanked him as he showed a toothy grin, "I'm Eijiro Kirishima, you are?"

Bakugou looked away, "Katsuki Bakugou."

Izuku fought Shigaraki in the training room. They had decided to practice hand to hand combat, as Izuku's quirks were still somewhat uncontrollable. Both only had a few scrapes or scratches on them, which powered their hungry thirst to win. Kurogiri stood by, watching it go on.

Midoriya finally got a strong hold on the blue-head's arm and flipped him over on his back. This caused Shigaraki to accidentally disintegrate the greenette's shirt. Tomura got up, running at Izuku who was suddenly pinned down, face down.

"Tomura, sneak attacks, really?" He asked.

"Shut up, brat. It's a good attack!"

Midoriya chuckled, "Mhm, almost as good as your plans."

The greenette then jumped up and threw Shigaraki across the room. He walked up to him slowly, observing the body on the floor. To amateurs, he might look dead, knocked out even, but Tomura wasn't one to give up so easily.

Like Midoriya had guessed, the blue-head got up and ran at him again. This time, he ran directly past him, grabbing Izuku's arm in the process. He flipped Izuku over onto his back, pinning him down again.

"You really are an amateur at this, Tomura." Izuku said.

All For One watched them train from above. He was in a room that could view the training down below through a window, quite a big window at that. He watched them get up and fight restlessly. I made a good choice, he thought to himself as he laughed.

He walked over to a table that had a brown folder on it. MIDORIYA, IZUKU, it read. Midoriya's folder from the police station. Since they'd closed the case, All For One took that as a perfect opportunity to steal the folder. Inside lay all of his information, including quirk status and medical records. He didn't expect to train the child that Garaki had diagnosed as quirkless all those years ago.

He returned to the window, as he watched them end the fight. Kurogiri walked up to the two before all three left the training room. I picked out good successors, he thought as he stashed the folder away in a drawer, two is better than one anyways.

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