Chapter 14

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Izuku stood next to Tomura once again. They both wore their villain outfits, which was becoming mildly uncomfortable for the greenette. He fiddled with his tie anxiously.

Shigaraki had told him that new recruits would be arriving today. Apparently, Giran - a middle-aged man who had helped the league out - had picked these two specifically, feeling they'd be fitting for their goal.

Izuku hadn't socialized much with others other than the league in the past eleven months, so it wasn't abnormal for him to be nervous. Although, this time it was more anxious than nervous. Some part of him feared that these new recruits would treat him the same as his middle school classmates, and that would completely ruin his mental health for good.

But, he had to remember, Tomura was here. He was overprotective of Izuku, having already accepted the 'overprotective brother' role. He remembered how the blue-headed male had sent three Nomus after Stain over a small cut he'd given the greenette.

A hand placed itself on his shoulder. He looked up, meeting his brother's eyes, "Don't feel nervous. These are just some possibly new recruits, and Giran told me that the youngest is seventeen. You have nothing to worry about."

Izuku nodded. Yeah, he'd have nothing to worry about with Tomura here by his side.

Twenty minutes had passed. Izuku was about to walk away and change into some more comfortable clothes when finally, a knock sounded at the door.

Giran walked through the door, a cigarette wedged between his teeth, "Shigaraki! Your League Of Villains has been the talk of the town for the last several days. Word down the street says you're about to start something big."

Start something big? Is he lying or is Tomu hiding something from me?

"And?" He sounded annoyed, "Who did you bring?"

He chuckled before walking away. Two new people walked through the door. One wore a brown school-girl's uniform, her blonde hair tied into space buns that jiggled every time she moved. The other had purple-coloured burns on his arms, neck and face. His hair was jet black as his azure eyes looked Tomura up and down.

"So, it's really you, huh?" The black-haired one asked, "I've seen you in pictures, but I gotta say, you're way grosser in person."

Izuku was about to protest when Shigaraki put his hand on his shoulder.

The blonde one moved her arms up and down happily, "Woah, it's the weird hand guy! You're friends with the Hero Killer: Stain, right?!" Her face turned to one of pure insanity, "Let me join the league, I wanna be in your group." Her amber eyes found Izuku, "And you're the cute greeny one! Can I taste your blood?"

Shigaraki looked behind them to where Kurogiri stood, "Kurogiri, get rid of these two. I can already tell that they're exactly the kind of trash I hate." He looked back at them, "A brat, and a guy with no manners."

"Now, now, Tomura Shigaraki. They came all this way, the least we can do is hear them out. Give them a chance." Izuku looked up at his brother, "Besides, this broker is respected in the underground. They're bound to be valuable assets."

Giran took the cigarette out of his mouth, "Like 'em or not, you still owe me a finders fee, in cash." He walked forwards, standing directly behind the two new recruits, "I suppose I could introduce the two of them before I go." He gestured to the blonde, "This one looks like an adorable highschool girl, right? She's actually the suspect in a series of deaths where the victims all 'bled out'. So far, her name and face have been kept out of the media."

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