Chapter 26

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Izuku walked to class, head down as he walked through the hallways. He knew no one liked him here. He was a villain, and villains didn't deserve the nice treatment. They deserved hatred and disgusted looks and to go to--

No! Tomura told you to stop thinking like that!

He fidgeted with the hems of the hoodie, glad Aizawa let him wear in class again. He said it was allowed as it kept him calm. He knew Tomura wouldn't be in class much today as he had different training compared to Izuku, so having the hoodie would really help him if his anxiety peaked.

He lifted his head, curious as to why the corridors were so quiet. No one was in the corridors, but he did see someone walking his way. He was a broad figure, wearing shades of red, blue and yellow. His hair was a distinct yellow colour, which became oddly familiar to him.

All.. Might?

He was smiling, but soon it had turned into a frown. Was it because of him? Did he recognise him? Was he angry at him? Does he see him as a villain and not a human?

Of course he would, he's a hero. All heroes think that way, take Endeavor as an example. The only hero who didn't think that way was Aizawa and he was in the classroom.

Suddenly, he was lifted off of his feet, before getting hauled over someone's shoulder. He squirmed, trying to get out of the man's grip, but it was to no avail.

Did I do something wrong?

Where's Tomu?

Where's Himi?

Where's Dabi?

Am I going to be taken away from them?

Am I going to prison?

Izuku's breathing quickened as the anxiety seeped in. He didn't want to go to prison. Nezu had promised he wouldn't go there, that he would just have to do the rehabilitation at U.A. Did he lie? Did he plan this all along?

He couldn't be taken away from Tomura. He couldn't be taken away from Dabi. He couldn't be taken away from Himiko. He couldn't be taken away from Kurogiri. He.. he didn't know what he'd do without them.

Suddenly, the journey stopped. He couldn't see much, only the vague, blurred vision of a doorway. Was he crying? He wiped at his eyes, dried tear stains becoming visible on his cheeks.

"Aizawa, I found this villain walking 'round U.A." All Might said, hand firm on the greenette's back. "Must've hacked into the alarm system or somethin'."


What do you want from us, villain?!

What 'justice' could you possibly deserve?

You and the other villains are bringing harm to my students.

Sir, if I may, why is there a villain here?

Isn't there a chance he could attack us?

How do you know he won't try and plan something big?

A force pulled him off of the man's shoulder, bringing him out of the endless pit of anxiety he was stuck in. Something brought him into a hug, a warm hug.

He opened his eyes, not realizing he'd closed them, to see black fabric. He looked up, seeing black hair and a grey scarf.

"Ai-Aizawa?" he stuttered out, voice quiet as he spoke.

Shota looked down, bringing the boy closer as he began to caress his hair. "You alright now, problem child?"

Izuku nodded, turning his head down as he began to rest his head against Aizawa's chest. The soft rhythm of his heartbeat calmed Izuku's senses, all previous anxiety slowly fading away.

"Toshinori, I swear to the heavens." Aizawa muttered, continuing to caress the boy's hair with one hand as the other wrapped around him tightly. He looked the man straight in the eye, activating his quirk. "What made you think you could just go and do that to one of our students?!"

"Aizawa," he began, voice quiet as he refused to make eye contact, "he's a villain. He attacked the U.S.J and the Training Camp. You have to under--"

Shota cut him off. "Did you read Nezu's email or are you that incompetent?"

"Well-- I--" he struggled to explain, "I had to save someone--.. I was busy--"

Aizawa didn't bother listening to the rest of his explanation. "You had loads of time. Don't think I haven't seen you just lounging around in the staff room during lesson periods." he glared at him, pausing for a moment before continuing. "Nezu has initiated a new system. The Villain Rehabilitation System. I'm sure you can figure what that is yourself." he took a deep breath, reminding himself to be professional. "Deku happened to be our first member of the system as he's a minor."

Hurried footsteps could be heard from outside the classroom. Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga appeared in the doorway, all wearing U.A uniforms. Although, Dabi and Shigaraki happened to 'forget' their tie. He'll talk to them about that later.

They rushed through, ignoring All Might's presence as they rushed towards their sibling.

"Wha--" All Might cut himself off, looking at Aizawa before pointing at them, "they're villains! They should be in Tartarus for their crimes!"

"They're in the Villain Rehabilitation system too." he rolled his eyes as he focused on the students in front of him.

Dabi looked at him desperately. "Aizawa, can you disable the wristbands, just for a few minutes? My quirk helps Izuku calm down quicker." he looked at the greenette, who seemed to be calm as he listened to the ravenette's heartbeat. "At the moment, your heartbeat is the only thing keeping him from having an anxiety attack."

Aizawa nodded, ignoring All Might's skeptical expressions as he brought out a remote. He pressed a button, resulting in their wristbands' dot lighting up green.

Dabi placed his hand on Izuku's back before activating his quirk, providing a soothing warm feeling to travel through the greenette's body consistently.

"Aizawa, how do you know they won't attack the school with those wristbands deactivated?" the retired hero inquired.

Shota sighed. "Because, Toshinori, they won't attack the school with a certain person here." he motioned to Izuku who was currently being calmed down by both Shota's heartbeat and Dabi's quirk. "And, they're in rehab. They're trying to be good people. Give them a chance instead of looking at them through a one-sided lens."

Shigaraki glared at All Might, blood boiling as he forced himself to hold back. "You really are a joke, All Might."

"You can't talk, Vil--"

"First, you crush Zuku's dreams and now you're assuming he's still a villain? Picking him up without his consent and causing him to have anxiety attacks all over again?" his words were laced with venom, eyes focused on the retired hero in front of him.

He. Did. What.

Aizawa could feel his blood boiling. It all made sense now. The Symbol Of Peace, someone Midoriya supposedly looked up to, crushed his dreams and so, when All For One had offered or guaranteed a new life, he thought it was his only other choice.

Aizawa was about to start yelling at the man again when something interrupted him before he could even start.

"What is going on here?"

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