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"The weekend is already here, we're only days away from our entrance exams into the VD high school. Everyone is preparing towards it. Last week, Miss Sally devoted her time to take us through all the lessons we covered the previous semester. The names of those who were going to take the recommendation test were also in. Everything was set. Monday we'll take our recommendation test before the others will take theirs a week or two later".

"Nesta!, there's someone at the door", Ms Honey shouted. "I'm coming mom!", Nesta replied. She got up from the bed and made her way downstairs.
"Hey", Richie said as the door opened. "Heyy Mr Coman. You're early", Nesta replied. "Umm I thought you said eight in the morning", Richie asked. "Yeah I did but when I said eight I meant from eight going, I didn't say you should be here exactly eight on the dot", Nesta replied.
"I can go and come back later if you want", Richie said. "Oh no it's fine, you can come in", Nesta replied as she led her in. "Here sit. I'll be with you in a bit", she said as she climbed upstairs.

"Babe, do you think you can make it?", Freda asked as she cut the apple. "Can you lower your voice when you're talking on the phone?. We all know you're talking to the LOYL", Mercy said as she entered the room. "Got a problem with that sis?", Freda asked as she talked even louder. "Yeah babe I will. I have to attend a very important meeting, I'll come over ASAP", Ben replied. "Okay I'll be waiting please don't take long. Mmuaahh!!", She replied.
"Lover girl. I never knew my sister could make love feel so interesting", Mercy said in a mocking tone. "Come on sis, Ben is a cool guy. Besides I don't think I'd be happy with any other guy apart from him", Freda replied. "Mm I see", Mercy replied. "So what's up with you and Ken?", Freda asked. "Nothing sis. He wants me to give him another chance but I don't know if I can do that", Mercy replied. "I think you guys should sit down and talk about this. Maybe you're confused somewhere", Freda said as she sliced the apple. "Mmm I'll see what I can do about it "

Jessica got out of the car and headed for the big gate. She clicked the button and the gates opened . "Hello Ms Coman", She said. "Hello my dear, how are you doing?", She asked. "I'm good Ms Coman. Is Richie home?", Jessica asked. "Not really. Richard left very early this morning. He said he's going to a friend's house to study. What did he say her name was...aha Nesta", Ms Coman said. The smile on Jessica's face faded as she heard those words. "Oh really Nesta", She said trying to hide her feeling of disappointment. "Yes Nesta. You can call him if you want", Ms Coman replied. "Oh that won't be necessary Miss, I think I should get going now", Jessica said

"Wow you look so beautiful", Richie said as she he descended the stairs . "You can't come to my house and make fun of me Mr Coman", Nesta said as she tied her hair backwards. "Since when did compliments become insults?" , Richie asked. "When it's coming from you, I'll always consider it an insult", Nesta replied with a smile
"I've heard you Miss, so where are we starting from?"

[Knock knock]
"That must be Ben", Freda said as she got up.
"Hey my sweetie", Ben said as the door opened. "Hey handsome", Freda replied as she kissed him. "Hello Mercy how have you been?", Ben asked. "I'm good Ben. And I'm glad to see you". "I actually brought something for you", Ben said. "Oh really what's that?", Mercy asked.
"Hello Mercy", Ken said as he appeared behind the door. "Oh this is so great", Freda giggled.
"We'll leave you two to talk, come on Ben, I want to show you something in my room", Freda said as she dragged him away

"What's up Ken?", Mercy asked as she sat opposite to him.

"Wow Nesta you're really good at teaching", Richie replied. "I've not even done anything, you're learning this by yourself. I'm sure if you keep on like this, you'll pass the exams with ease", Nesta replied. "Thanks", Richie replied.
"You're welcome", Nesta replied as she looked into his eyes.
"Let me see you off", she said as they walked to his car. "I'll see you on Monday", he said. "Okay", Nesta replied. Richie smiled before zooming out

Nesta stood there for a few minutes before turning. When she turned, she saw Jessica standing there "Well well well. If it isn't the psychopath they let in", Jessica said. "Um sorry what are you doing here, did you miss the route to the psychiatrist hospital?", Nesta replied.

"Listen you moron. If you know what's good for you better stay away from my Richie", Jessica said. "Did you just say your Richie?. I didn't see any tag on him that said Jessica's property", Nesta replied as she laughed. "Richie is mine only. There's no way I'll let you have him. He's my ride or die!", Jessica yelled. "Ohh interesting. But lemme correct you. He's my ride and if you keep on insisting, you die", Nesta said as she laughed even harder .......

The End

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