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Richie watched closely at Nesta and Lavender as they ate their lunch. "Why is he looking at us like that?", Lavender whispered to her. Nesta turned and saw Richie staring at them. "Who cares lavender, let him be", Nesta replied as she continued to eat.

"Heyy Ben", Thelma said . "We didn't see you coming", She said in a shy tone. "oh I'm sorry ladies. I saw you walking by so I decided to join you", Ben answered. "Oh that's so kind of you", Mercy replied. " it's nothing. If you girls don't mind, can I borrow her for a minute?", Ben said as he pointed to Freda. "W-what?? M-me??", Freda stammered. "Yes you!", Mercy said as she pushed her forward. "We'll catch up later girl!", she  yelled as she joined her friends who had already taken the lead.

"Hey Ben!, when did you come here?", Freda said as she stood still and shivering. "I was standing here with you minutes ago. Didn't you realize it?. Freda started blinking like she has seen a ghost. Is everything okay?, you're sweating", Ben asked as he held Freda's hand. "Oh I'm fine I'm......", Freda stretched as she fell to her knees. Ben stood still and looked at her in amazement "Oh God Somebody help Freda's dying",he yelled as he picked her up. He quickly rushed her to the school nurse

It's break over and everyone's in class. "Hello students!",Miss Sally said as she entered. "Good day miss Sally", they all said. "Hope you're all doing well. And I hope you're all coming up with your project works. We'll be using it to grade you for this semester. And as you know you're in competition with class B and I don't want my students slacking off.",she said.  "Don't worry miss Sally, I'm sure our class is ready for anything", John said. "Well said class rep. I'm hoping forward to see that", Miss Sally said.
Just then the door opened and Ben entered with Freda. He was holding her tightly so she won't fall. "what happened?", Miss Sally said as she got up. "Oh it's nothing miss Sally. Freda just had a rough time", Ben replied. "That's odd", Thelma whispered to Cindy. "Yeah I know. Things like this happens to girls who are new to love", Cindy whispered back. Ben took her to her seat and she sat down.

"Is Richard Coman in school?", Miss Sally said as she was checking the roll call. "I'm here miss", Richie said as he raised his hands. "Wow that's odd. I've not heard a complain from you today so I thought you didn't come or you stopped", Miss Sally said as they all broke into laughter.
"Oh miss didn't you hear what happened yesterday?",Martha said as she got up. "It appears Nesta slapped some sense into our dear Richie", She said as they all broke into laughter again. "Not funny Martha", Richie said as he put his hood back on. "Oh I see. So Nesta made a new friend yesterday. I'm glad. I hope you'll learn something from her Richie", Miss Sally said as she closed the register. "Oh trust me miss, he has really learnt a lot", Thelma said as they all broke into laughter again.
"Okay that would be all for the day class. Tomorrow we'll be having our rehearsal for the festival contest with the class B students. Hope you all bring your best", Miss Sally said as she parked her bag.
Soon after, the bell rung and the class was dismissed.
"Hey", Nesta said as she walked to Richie. "Oh hey Nesta", Richie replied. "What's up with you. You're acting weird today", Nesta said. "I'm not acting weird. You showed me that I could change that's why. I'm trying to change", Richie replied. "Oh so  that's what you're trying to do?, trying to change?, oh then Mr Coman you're not trying at all. I saw what you did today. You said you don't eat that kinda food they serve in school. In other words you were trying to insult those who take the food", Nesta said. "Oh God Nesta, that didn't even mean anything", Richie said as he slammed his hands on his face. "Well Mr Coman FYI, it did mean a lot", Nesta replied as she turned. "At least let me drop you off at your house?", Richie said as he got up. Nesta stopped at the door and turned. She walked back to where Richie was standing. "Are you trying to buy me again?", Nesta asked. "No absolutely not. I'm just offering a lift to your house", Richie replied. "Don't worry about me, I can handle myself. Besides I don't want you thinking I've forgiven you by sitting in your posh car. We'll meet tomorrow", She said as she turned to go. "I'll do whatever it takes so you'll recognize me Nesta", Richie said.  "Then you have to try harder than that", Nesta yelled back

______THE END____


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