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Nesta couldn't believe her eyes as she saw Richie in the rain.
"What do you think you're doing?", She asked. "I'm not leaving until you decide to talk to me", Richie replied. "Oh great heavens my dear let the gentleman in!", Ms Honey said as she came to see what the yelling was all about. Nesta rolled her eyes expressing she had no choice than to let him in.

"What do you think you're doing!, somebody should help me out!", Freda yelled as she was covered in the mud. She could barely see anything. "Oh today is really my bad day", She cried. "Here let me help you", A voice said as he held her up. "Thank you so much, finally someone with a little bit of sense. All the others are good for nothing, all they did was to laugh at me all this while", Freda said. "I see", The gentleman who was holding her replied. "Here take this tissue and clean your face", The gentleman said as he handed her a tissue. "Oh thank you so much, you're such a gentleman", Freda replied. Just as she finished wiping the mud of her eyes and she could see clearly now, she begun to scream on top of her voice. Everyone in the cafeteria turned to look at them. "B-B-Ben??!, what are you doing here", Freda asked still shocked. "What am I doing here?" , Ben replied. "Isn't this suppose to be our first date?". "No..Yes..I mean it is but not like this. You're not suppose to see me this way", Freda cried as she turned her back and took to her heels. "No..Freda wait!", Ben yelled but Freda was long gone

There was a knock on the door and Mercy got up to see who was that.
When she opened the door, it was Ken.
"Hey Ken, what's up?. Freda is not home at the moment", she said. "Um..Hi Mercy, actually I didn't come to see Freda I came to see you", Ken said. "Me?", Mercy replied in a surprised tone. "Yeah you", Ken said. "Oh that's so kind of you. Please come in", Mercy said as she let him in.

"Look here Mr Coman, if you came here to insult me like you did at school today then think again. I'll not allow you to insult me by thinking I'm worth your money", Nesta said as she pointed the frying pan at him. "Listen Nesta that's not why I came here. And is it really necessary to tie me to this chair. I mean no harm", Richie said. "How can I trust you?. You tried to buy me earlier. Who knows what you can do next. Maybe you're planning to buy or home to", Nesta replied. "Why would I want to do that?", Richie asked. "Just listen to me and hear  why I came here". "Okay fine I'll give you five more minutes. The moment I see that you're not making sense I'll use this thing right here to hit your head", Nesta replied.

"So what brought you here", Mercy asked as she poured the wine into the glasses. "I just came to see you. We haven't been able to talk since we opened school", Ken replied. "There's nothing to talk about Ken. You already made things clear to me that you have no interest in me again so I think I'm really good with that", Mercy said as she sat down. "That's the main reason why I'm here Mercy. I've realized that I made a big mistake. I shouldn't have said those words to you. I've now realized  how important you're to me. I really love you Mercy", Ken finally spilled out. "I'm really sorry Ken but I'm not sure this will work between us. I already gave up on you long time ago. Please let's not ruin our friendship . Let's stay this way", Mercy said. "Don't worry Mercy, I'm not giving up on you. I'm sure One day you'll be mine. I'll wait for you", Ken replied. Mercy replied with a smile. Just then Freda opened the door with all her might. Ken couldn't hold his laughter back as he saw her. "Sis what happened?", Mercy asked as she got up. Freda was crying so hard that she couldn't talk. "Here let's go to the washroom", Mercy said as she pulled her along to the washroom. "And stop laughing ken!"

"Okay fine I'll make things quick. I'm really sorry for what I did today. I've not regretted anything in my life like I have today. All my life I've done things I preferred with nobody telling me what to do. But after you slapped me everything changed. I don't know why I felt that way. All I felt when I got home was to come and talk to you", Richie said. "And why should I believe you?", Nesta asked. "Because Richard Coman never regrets anything in his life. You can confirm from all the people in the school. But I'm here today doing the last thing I want to do. You have to believe me", Richie replied. "Oh I see... So you want me to believe you have changed. It's going to take more than that Mr Coman.", Nesta replied. "I'll do my best", Richie replied as he smiled. Nesta untied him from the chair. "Hey I'm also sorry for slapping you infront of everyone. But look it made a difference", Nesta giggled. "Yeah I see"  , Richie replied

____THE END____

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