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Everyone couldn't believe their eyes as they watched the show. Was it real?. Did Nesta really slap Richie?, everyone wondered.
"Oh no", Mike said. "This is going to be the number one headline news on tv today", He whispered into Ben's ears. "Shut up Mike!", Ben replied.

Nesta grabbed her bag on the floor and turned to go. When she got to the gate, she turned to look at Richie one more time. "Sorry", She said faintly.

"It's okay man", Mike said as he moved Richie along the path.  "It's nothing. It's just a slap. It meant nothing. I'm sure she'll come begging at your feet", he said
"Let go of me you idiot!", Richie yelled as he stopped Mike's hold. "Didn't you see what happened back there, she slapped me in front of the whole class. Not even the teachers can do that. But she did. "I'm so sorry Richie, you must be very furious with her", Mike said. "No I'm not", Richie replied. "I'll see you later", He said as he barged off.

"Hey son how was your day", Mrs Coman said as Richie entered the lobby. "Great mum", Richie said without looking up. He walked straight pass his dad but he didn't talk much. "Hey dad" was all he said as he passed by. His dad was too busy on the phone that he didn't see him pass. "Is everything okay my dear", Mrs Coman said again. This time Richie only replied with a thumbs up as he ascended the stairs. Richie went into his room and jumped on his bed. He begun to flash back on what happened earlier. "This hasn't happened before. I've not felt that bad before. But something is strange about that girl. After what she did I'm not mad at her. For the first time in my life I've realized I've made a mistake. I shouldn't have done what I did. I must apologize to her now. But how do I reach her. I barely even know her. Ughh what's happening to me!", He said as he slammed himself on the bed. "Oh yeah, I can contact Miss Sally, she can give me her address", Richie thought.

"I still can't believe Nesta really slapped Richie", Freda said as she stood in front of the mirror. She was getting dressed for her date. "Richie really deserved that", Mercy said. She was Freda's sister. They attended the same school and were in the same class even though Freda was two years older than her. "He thought every girl was cheap. Nesta showed him the way". "We'll that's their problem", Freda said as she put her heels on "Do you really need to wear that", Mercy asked. "You know it's about to rain and wearing heels won't be a very good idea", She added. "Oh come on Mercy, don't be so naive. You know I want to impress Ben. I have to give it my all and that includes looking my best", Freda replied. "I'll see you later sis", She said as she walked out.

"Mum food is ready!", Nesta said as she brought the food on the table. "Mum?, where are you?, the food is going to get cold". "I'm coming darling, the rains are coming and I need to make sure all the ranches were closed", Ms Honey replied as she entered the room. "How was your first day my dear", She asked. "Well it was good. I had a few people who brought me some challenges but you know me. I solved it before it could even get worse", Nesta replied. "Oh that's great. So did you meet any cute guy?", Ms Honey asked with curiosity in her eyes. "Mum!", Nesta said. "I'm just kidding my dear. But I'm sure someone will fall in love with you soon. You're so beautiful", Ms Honey said. Nesta replied with a grin. "Now eat your food mum. It's getting cold".

"Okay thanks Miss Sally", Richie said as he hung up. "So 31st Avenue. That's where she stays. I better go look for her", Richie said as he grabbed his jacket and moved out.
"Son where are you going?, we're about to have dinner", Ms Coman said. "I'll be right back mum", Richie replied as he dashed out. He sat in his Mercedes C300 4Matic and drove off.

"Taxi! Taxi!, come on I'm gonna be late", Freda said as no taxi would stop for her.
Finally one came to a halt and she jumped in. "I'm going to the glittering lounge", She said. Just then, thunder begun to rumble After a few minutes drive the drive came to a stop. "Hey you why did you stop", Freda yelled. "I'm sorry ma'am but it looks like there's a storm coming. It's best if we stop and continue when the storm is over", The driver replied. "You're so infuriating!. If you won't take me there I'll go there myself", Freda replied as she got out
"But ma'am the Storm is...", "Shut up!",She cut the driver off

Richie drove through the 31st Avenue and finally came to the house number 35. "This must be where she lives", He said as he drove to the parking lot. She got up from the car and headed for the door. He opened the knob and knocked twice.
"Are you expecting someone?", Ms Honey asked. "Nope", Nesta replied as she dropped the spoon in the soup. "Then who's it", Ms Honey whispered. "I don't know", Nesta also whispered back. She tiptoed slowly into the kitchen and grabbed a large frying pan. She stood gently behind the door. She opened it at once and just before she could smash the pan on Richie's face he yelled "It's me Richie!". "Richie?", Nesta said in a surprised tone. "What are you doing here?", she asked. Before Richie could talk, Nesta slammed the door close. "Why did you do that my dear. We have a visitor and you didn't let him in", Ms Honey said. "Oh don't worry mum. I know that nerd. He'll leave in no time. Besides the rains are coming and there's no way he'll be there for a second", Nesta replied.

Freda is walking briskly on the main road . Just then the winds begun to blow. The gale was so strong that it swept her of her feets and her high heels turned inside out which swung her into the ditch full of mud. The people inside the nearby shops and cars couldn't help but laugh at the poor girl who was now drenched in mud

After several minutes of the rainstorm, Nesta opened the door to check if Richie was gone. But to her great surprise, she opened the door and saw Richie sitting on the stairs drenched in the rain ........


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