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"You don't know what you're talking about. Those people are murderers, they have no respect for humanity. They killed my husband, your father, what's preventing them from doing same to you?", Ms Honey asked
Nesta sighed for a while before speaking "I know you're devastated mum, but we can't just leave things hanging. I'll find the killers and they'll pay for what they did", Nesta yelled.
With this she opened the door and ran out
"Nesta!!!", Ms Honey screamed after her but she was long gone.


"Really Nesta!!", Lavender gasped.
"You heard me right girl. I'm now a wanted being by some psycho agent", Nesta replied.
"That's so amazing. It explains why you're so intelligent", Lavender said. "It also explains why Richie is into you like that", she added.  "Yah  kidding girl, Richie doesn't like me besides he doesn't even know I've got this on me", Nesta replied. "okay girl if you say so", lavender said "okay one more thing girl you shouldn't tell anybody about this. nobody should know I have some crazy drug in me . it might endanger me and those around so please let this be a secret between the both of us", Nesta said. "Oh don't worry about it everything is cool I'm not telling anybody about this besides you trust me that's why you told me so why the hell will I  want to tell somebody. Your secret is safe with me girl", Lavender replied. "thanks I knew I could trust you", Nesta said.

"Now let's get to class before miss Sally shows up else she's going to scream like hell" she added .

Lavender opening the door with all have might. Everyone stopped immediately and turned to look at her. "Why do you always do that?" Cindy asked . "You act like you are an assassin coming to kill us you can't just barge in like that at least you should open the calmly", she added
" Oh my bad, I'm sorry guys", Lavender said.
"How are you feeling Nesta?", Thelma asked. " I heard you were all Ill...ahh...ill during the recommendation test. "I'm fine guys, just a small headache but I'm fine",Nesta replied.
"I'm sure that bitch Jessica had something to do with it. She pisses me off", Freda said.
"You can't just jump into conclusion. Jessica didn't even come near us", John replied.
"Don't tell me you're defending her John. We all know first hand what that girl can do", Tyler said.
"I'm not defending her buh......"
'What's going on here!", Ms Sally said as she entered the class. All of a sudden the whole place went quiet.  John was the first to speak "sorry Miss it's nothing we were just having an argument about a little issue but I guess you we're  okay", he said
"But I told you guys about arguments, can't you see your fellow class b students ? when was the last time you saw them arguing?. You see why they are so much better than you?. "I always tell you guys to learn to corporate, you can't be divided and expect to win always learn how to help each other", she said."You are right Miss I always", they all said.
"Good now that all is sorted, let's get back to the main business", miss Sally said
"As you all know last week we had our exams for those who went for the recommendation test. The test results are out and very soon it will be pasted on the notice board and the school platforms so all those who applied could go and check how their performance went and see if  they'll gain admission or not but I must say I was quite impressed by the performance of class A .  You did better even without the rest of your classmates so this should be an inspiration to the rest of you", she said

"Wow the test results are in, can't wait to see how I performed", John said

"Okay guys so we are preparing for the entrance exams. I hope all of you give your best so that we can prove that we are the best because in their VD  high school, you are going to meet students who are far more better than what you find here.  To not find yourself in any kind of trouble, you should make sure you learn to the fullest. I don't want anybody getting behind or getting confused or stuck somewhere so please, put up your best", miss Sally said.

"Don't worry Miss, we sure will do better than you expect", Thelma said
"I hope so thank you very much", Miss Sally said


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