Chapter Twelve

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Aria shot up, breathing heavily, her mind still a little fuzzy, "Ari?" Came the concerned voice of Kaid.

She tilted her head to the left where Kaid was sitting beside her on the couch "Kaid? What happened?"

He gave her a concerned look, "You don't remember?"

Aria closed her eyes and, focused for a minute, and then everything came flooding back to her, as she opened her eyes again "Oh my god... Nathan, he's alive, and my mother blocked our bond." Aria took in her surroundings, "are we still at Magnus' place?"

Kaid nodded at her, "Yeah the others headed back to the institute, we didn't get Clary's memories back though there was an issue, so we're kind of back to square one on that... but something happened after Magnus unblocked your bond with Jonathan."

Aria noticed the look on his face, and furrowed her brow, "What happened? I just remember feeling rage like a boiling rage that I had never felt before."

"Your eyes were glowing a bright orange, and then you started levitating and wisps of fire encircled your arms and legs and gathered at your back before blasting out with bright fiery wings... It looked like a fire fairy transformation, but elemental fairies were hunted to extinction by your father and the circle."

Aria sighed "I've heard the rumors, never really knew if it was true or not because nothing had happened to prove it, but the rumors say that when Nathan and I were still in our mother's womb Valentine basically experimented on us by injecting demon blood and different things into us... guess it's true then."

Magnus chose that moment to walk in, "No one believed the rumors to be true, though we all heard them... No one wanted to believe that a father would experiment on his children, even a madman like Valentine... watching the transformation was quite remarkable though... I can help you train your newfound abilities that are likely to surface because of this development."

Aria smiled at him, "Thank you, Magnus, I appreciate it."

The warlock smiled back at the red-haired girl, "Of course Aria, we'll get started in the next few days, to let you get rested from all the excitement that's happened tonight."

"Okay." The red-haired girl agreed.

After speaking with Magnus a little more the two headed out and back to the Institute, Aria knew that she was going to be bombarded with questions, questions that she most likely wouldn't have the answer to.

But the girl would try and answer the questions as best she could, and then take the opportunity to talk to her little sister about everything, she hoped that it would open the younger red-head's perspective a little more about everything.

She was just mulling over how she could start that conversation once they got back, and Kaid was just letting her keep to her thoughts, he knew that this whole situation was a lot for her. Realizing that she had been lied to by her mother for the last 18 years was a lot to take in.

They got back to the institute about 15 minutes later and as soon as they entered the building, Clary walked over, being the first to notice them. "Aria, what the hell happened?"

Aria sighed, giving her little sister a look, "Honestly Clary, I don't know, okay... all I know is that I have been lied to by our mother for the past 18 fucking years and then got so pissed that all I felt was a boiling rage that I had never felt before in my life, and then I passed out and that's all and then there was the weird vision thing I had while I was passed out, but that is a whole different story but you and I need to talk Clary... privately it really would be for the best that I tell you everything now before we get into any more situations."

The younger redhead gave her a weird look, but she agreed, "Okay... I'm very confused about what the hell is going on here, but sure we can talk." then the two sisters walked into Aria's room at the institute. "What's going on, Aria?"

Aria sighed, she still wasn't sure how to start this conversation knowing that it was going to change her little sister's perspective on everything that she thought was true... "Okay, so Clary what I am about to tell you... well, it is going to make everything make more sense to you... possibly you're not going to believe it, but I certainly assure you that it's the truth."

That just served to confuse the new 18-year-old. But Clary stayed quiet for the moment and let her sister talk, seeming to sense the importance of this conversation, "So as you know now, Mom lied to you about Dad and everything like that, but this goes even further back than that, we had an older brother Clary, my twin brother... his name is Jonathan, and he is the reason that I didn't want mom taking my memories when she took yours... I did not want to forget about him, and so as long as I didn't mention anything about the Shadow World to you then mom would let me keep my memories, so I agreed to that with no hesitation. But the thing about Shadowhunter twins is that they share a connection, that's stronger than any other connection in the Shadow World, but let me rewind just a little bit, so I was three when mom left Idris and the Shadow World, and she tricked me into leaving without Jonathan which normally I never would have done because we were attached at the hip rarely apart, she told me we were playing a game and hiding and that Jonathan would get come with us when he got home with dad... then she put me to sleep and left hence the tricked part... that was the start, she told me that we had to leave to protect my unborn sibling... you .... And back to the connection that I mentioned earlier, Shadowhunter twins can feel each other through that connection and so that was my only comfort being separated from Nathan, and then I couldn't feel the connection anymore, and they said that he was dead and of course it had to be true right? Because I couldn't feel him through our connection anymore? Well apparently wrong because mom had Dot most likely since Magnus refused block our connection which was why I couldn't feel him anymore, so turns out Nathan isn't dead at all it was all a lie, and so because of what mom did making me think that my twin brother died, because she couldn't wait three hours until they got home, not gonna lie it made me resent you and her, because looking at it from my view, it was her fault that he died because she left him there trying to protect you... so my reaction earlier was very much justified to finding out that I have been lied to for the last eighteen years." Aria let out a breath as she finished her little rant of sorts.

Clary stared at her older sister in shock, that was not what she had thought that Aria was going to tell her, she shook her head, "But mom wouldn't do that Aria... she wouldn't just leave her child behind."

Aria sighed again she knew that there was a possibility that Clary wouldn't believe her because their mother had been nothing but the perfect mother to her which always infuriated Aria was how Jocelyn could just act like nothing was wrong like she didn't practically abandon her own son... but Aria knew the truth, and it was one of the main reasons she always came off cold and standoffish with Jocelyn. "Well little sister, I assure you that it happened, I have vivid memories of it happening."

Clary had a confused look on her face, "But why would she do that?"

"I don't know Clary I really don't, she could have afforded a few more hours and brought him with us and just avoided all the animosity to begin with, but that was not the road that our mother chose, for whatever reason."

"But why would she block your connection?" Clary's mind was reeling from all the new information that she was given just now.

"I don't know... it doesn't make sense because she knew that it was the only thing that comforted me and still had it blocked? But he's alive Clary, I saw him in the vision thing that I mentioned earlier we spoke, and he said he would find me, and then I regained consciousness."

Clary sat down on Aria's bed and just let the information soak in... she didn't want to believe that her wonderful, loving mother would do something like that, but she also knew that Aria would not lie to her about something like that, so she was going back and forth in her head about it.

But suddenly the way Aria had acted toward her for as long as she could remember started to make sense because if it were her in Aria's place she would have more than likely reacted the exact same way.

Here is chapter 12 :D Clary now knows the whole truth about their mother, how will that affect things moving forward? Guess we will just have to wait and see XD anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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