Chapter Three

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The youngest Fray stood outside of Pandemonium with Simon and Maureen, who were getting ready for their gig. The redhead sighed and looked at the two of them, "my mom, has been so overprotective lately and I just don't understand it at all, because she's not like that with my sister, just me.. and my sister, god I don't even know what her problem is half the time, she always so cold and closed off for no reason at all, like make it make sense."

Simon chuckled looking at the youngest Fray, "So do you remember in Aliens when the alien queen was defending her eggs from Ripley?"

The redhead gave her best friend a look "In this scenario is my mom Ripley or the alien queen?"

"Both." Was the answer the boy gave her.

Clary looked at Simon with a confused look on her face "What?"

"A mother defending her young." That was what he told her.

Clary scoffed giving him a look "Defending me from what? I spend all day in an art studio my life couldn't be any more mundane, and besides, I don't know much about when she was young."

Maureen looks at her offering a solution, "Oh just do what I do and get all the dirt from your relatives."

Clary scoffed at that "I would if I could, but she doesn't have any, and... my... my dad died before I was born."

Maureen gave her another look "So you have no one? No uncles, no aunts, no third cousins twice removed?"

The Fray girl shook her head, "Nope, it's just three of us, me, my mom, and sister."

Maureen looked at her for a moment "Then what about your sister? Wouldn't she know something since she's a couple of years older than you?"

Clary shrugged "I don't know, Aria barely acknowledges my existence half the time so even if she knew something she wouldn't tell me about it. But I doubt that our mom would tell her and not me, it's just not the way it works with us."

Then Simon said, "That's why the Lewis Clan has added four chairs to every Seder since pre-school."

Clary nodded agreeing with what he said "Mhmm."

Simon keeps saying "One for Clary, one for Jocelyn, one for Ariana, and one for Elijah."

Clary nodded again, "of course."

Simon smiled at his best friend, whom he secretly loved, "obviously."

The redhead smiled back at him, "Yes, obviously."

Simon looked at the redhead again "Speaking of Ariana, where is she? I thought you were going to ask her to come tonight."

Clary shrugged her shoulders with a scoff "I don't know, she said that she already had plans and didn't say anything else about it."

Maureen speaks up going back to what they were previously talking about, "You guys don't think that's even a little bit strange you know she could be keeping some deep dark secret from you."

The Fray girl shook her head, "Maureen it's not possible."

"No, no think about it." The girl tries again.

But Clary isn't accepting the answer, "But no seriously, my mother is incapable of concealing anything from my sister and I." So, she thinks but in a few hours she's going to see just how untrue that is.

That was the end of that conversation because it was time for Simon and Maureen to go on stage. After the gig, the trio walked out of the building and back to the van, "whoo!"

Maureen smiled at Clary "Thanks for being our roadie."

Then Simon added, "Yeah, and for being our artist in residence."

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